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City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br />October 13, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />LOUISVILLE PLAZA <br />The Louisville Plaza is located at the northeast corner of Hwy 42 and South <br />Boulder Road, is 17.95 acres with 201,866 SF of retail. The stores include King <br />Soopers, Big O tires, Burger King; Hobby Lobby; Big Lots; and In-line space. <br />The property's attributes include an excellent retail corner; high income area; <br />high traffic counts; grocery anchored retail center; high percentage of occupancy <br />in the center and adequate retail parking. King Soopers would like to expand. <br />The property challenges include the following: King Sooper's lease is up for <br />renewal in November of 2008; Low density residential surrounding the area; <br />Tenanting and visual appearance does not reflect premium image; multiple <br />ownerships with differing interests; varying lease terms with tenants; property <br />size is limited and not able to expand; Hobby Lobby and Big Lots do not utilize <br />the entire space and the Owner is considering a redevelopment effort for the <br />purpose of reselling the shopping center. <br />The development issues with the property include the following: Property use <br />should remain retail; it is an excellent retail site but under utilized; the challenge <br />to upgrade the property to reflect a quality neighborhood retail center; recent <br />financial events have slowed the retail market; King Soopers wishes to expand to <br />the western portion of the site and move Big Lots and Hobby Lobby to the east. <br />Possible outcomes: Owner retains site and redevelops site for King Soopers <br />Expansion; Owner retains site, King Soopers vacates the site; Redevelopment <br />could be an option through sale of the center seems more likely; development <br />assistance may be requested to recruit a new anchor tenant; Owner sells the <br />property to new owner with unknown objectives; Development assistance may be <br />requested by new owner. <br />Council and Commission discussion and questions centered on the <br />redevelopment of the site to upgrade and modernize the look of the structures. <br />NORTH END <br />The North End is located at South Boulder Road and east of Plaza Drive. It is <br />6.4 acres in size and is owned by Mike Markel. The zoning is PCZD, (Planned <br />Community Zoning District), and P-C (Planned-Commercial). There is <br />approximately 60,000 SF of retail with an assumed parking ratio of 5/1000. <br />The property attributes include the following; green field site; master planned for <br />interior connections to subdivision; neighborhood retail/service appeal; access <br />along South Boulder Road; single owner; and high traffic counts. The property <br />challenges are the small site; mid block location; access is limited to right-in and <br />right-out, or access from Louisville Plaza and limited home building to the north <br />