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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />August 19, 2003 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />Lair reporting on a meeting she attended with Boulder County Health officials to address <br />the West Nile Virus. At the meeting it was decided that several municipalities in the <br />County would be sprayed for mosquitoes. She noted parts of Louisville were sprayed on <br />August 11 and August 14. She stated the transmission of West Nile Virus would extend <br />for several more weeks and she stressed the importance of residents taking the necessary <br />precautions when outdoors, including the use of repellants. <br /> <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br /> <br />PRESENTATION - LOUISVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation. <br /> <br />Library Director Anne Mojo reported on the formation of a Strategic Planning Committee <br />in January of 2003, to plan for the future of the Louisville Public Library. The committee <br />consists of the Library Board of Trustees, the Director, three supervisory staff members <br />and three additional members of the community. She introduced Alison Birchard, Co~ <br />Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee, who would summarize the plan. <br /> <br />Alison Smith Birchard, 264 S. Washington Avenue, Louisville, CO stated the fourteen- <br />member committee began its work in January of 2003, using as its guide, New Planning <br />for Results: A Streamlined Approach. She stated the Committee's challenge was to <br />create a feasible plan to address the wants and needs of the community and the vision and <br />mission of the Library From this process, the following four service responses were <br />selected: 1) Enrichment for the Youth; 2) General Information; 3) Current Topics and <br />Titles, and 4) Commons (a common place for people to meet). She asked Council to <br />accept the Strategic Plan and support the library efforts for a new building. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Sisk thanked the members of the library's Strategic Planning Committee for their <br />dedicated service on the plan. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 23, SERIES 2003 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />PRELIMINARY PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SPECIAL REVIEW USE <br />FOR 625 MAIN STREET - MOFFITT RETAIL AND LOTS <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation. <br /> <br />Planning Director Paul Wood reported Resolution No. 23, Series 2003, if authorized, <br />would approve a Final PUD Development Plan and a Special Review Use (SRU) for the <br />Moffitt Building and Lots. The applicant is Richard Sands, who is represented by E.J. <br />Mead of Arch 11, Inc. The PUD reflects a two building, in-fill proposal, for a 9,352 <br />SF commercial/mixed-use building in downtown Louisville. The subject parcel is zoned <br />CC and is 15,000 square feet in area. <br /> <br /> <br />