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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 6, 2018 <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />Joe Walsh, 1212 Main Street, stated these are important topics and wondered if there is <br />any way residents can help make this a positive campaign and move this forward quickly <br />and help get something more positive than the existing neighborhood signs <br />Lana Eisen stated this is very positive and a great way to bridge the gap from the STFD <br />signs to something positive. This is the beginning of a good solution. She asked if there is <br />a plan for the South Boulder Road crossing for kids going to Louisville Middle School. <br />Audrey Debarros, 839 West Mulberry Street, thanked staff and Council for working on <br />pedestrian and vehicular safety She supported the areas on Polk and Vista Lane. She <br />asked if bike lane striping can be included in the paving She asked how pedestrian safety <br />on Highway 42 can be addressed. <br />Dylan Frusciano, 708 Garfield Avenue, thanked staff for the progress on this project. He <br />noted people recognize there will be tough budget decisions to be made. He stated he will <br />work to get the word out that the STFD campaign has run its course and the City is <br />working on solutions. <br />Director Kowar stated the plan is to address how to keep cars from passing other cars in <br />crosswalks by adding medians at Bella Vista and Hoover with the other calming items He <br />noted crosswalks are restriped every two years and staff will look at that neighborhood. <br />He stated South Boulder Road will be addressed by the connectivity project now out to <br />bid for study. A HAWK crossing will be added to Dillon Road at the crossing of the Coal <br />Creek Trail, a new signal at Dillon and 104th, and a new signal at Hwy 42 and 104th, <br />Hecla and Hwy 42, Short Street and Hwy 42 and an underpass at Hwy 42 Kowar stated <br />bike lanes are added on any street where space allows. <br />Director Kowar stated staff is looking at the possibility of an interim signal at Kestrel, if it <br />can work before a permanent one is installed. <br />Mayor Muckle noted more neighborhood conversations are a part of this project and that <br />will continue. He thanked staff for the amount of work accomplished on this project He <br />stated he is motivated to see if there is a way to fund these this year. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1754, SERIES 2018 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17 OF <br />THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MOBILE RETAIL FOOD <br />ESTABLISHMENTS, MOBILE FOOD VEHICLES, MOBILE VENDING CARTS, AND ICE <br />CREAM VENDOR REGULATIONS — 2ND READING — PUBLIC HEARING (advertised <br />Daily Camera 1/21/18) <br />Attorney Light introduced the ordinance by title. Mayor Muckle opened the public hearing <br />Planner Ritchie stated the proposed ordinance amends Title 17 regarding ice cream <br />vendors, and mobile food vehicles, mobile retail food establishments and mobile vending <br />carts (collectively referred to as food trucks) Staff proposes the following amendments. <br />