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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 17, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />f. Dave's Minute: <br />i. Rec Center keeps moving along. <br />ii. Building automation system is in progress. Better control, efficiency and <br />comfort of the HVAC system. <br />iii. Assembling annual reports for FY ending 2017, solar production and power <br />production agreement. <br />iv. The city will appoint a new Sustainability Specialist in the near future with a <br />tentative start date of Feb 6t" <br />II. Introduction of new and returning LSAB board members: Old and new members <br />introduced themselves. <br />III. 2 Year Work Plan/KPI update (Emily Hogan): The two-year workplan was <br />revised to include City Councils discussions. Added goals a' • made a list of top <br />recommended actions. The update to City Council is not curron the agenda. <br />During the meeting the LSAB reviewed the 12 recommende' - items of the two- <br />year workplan. Emily would like comments from LSAB in th ple of weeks in <br />order to keep the process moving forward. LSAB wil . nts on to Dan and <br />he will forward on to Emily. <br />a. Discussed community gardens and how the o like to address this. <br />b. LSAB would like to expand the sustainabil s that occurred last year. <br />i. Including the green business s ability series may be of <br />benefit; <br />ii. Community Gardens; <br />iii. Composting <br />c. Page 56. Mark stated that th Bhelped develop a zoning regulation <br />that required all new comm al c truction including multi -family that they <br />would have equal spaci •r h and recycling. Mark would like to see the <br />zoning code updated t' in• • - mpost along with trash and recycling. Emily <br />will discuss wi ni . - • : ' ment. <br />d. LSAB asked at the . ter policy for the golf course was. The city will get <br />back to LSAB <br />e. Initiate/draft L�goals/priorities based on 2 Year Plan: <br />i. Mari a recommended that we look at what LSAB can be doing to help <br />move to 2-year plan along. Workshops and involvement in the waste <br />hauling RFP were the top two items. <br />IV. Discussion on RFP development for residential waste hauler contract: Mark met <br />with Kurt in Public Works to talk about the outline of the waste hauler RFP. LSAB <br />discussed when it would be nice to talk to Kurt about the RFP. Discussions included <br />the following. <br />a. Mark suggested hosting a meeting with HOA board members to discuss including <br />them in the city trash hauling. This option will be discussed with the City and Kurt to <br />make sure it fits within their larger plans. <br />b. REtrack — City and County of Boulder have an ordinance for hauler to track where all <br />the waste haulers report where trash, compost, and recycling are disposed of. All <br />permitted haulers are required in to offer all three, but customer does not have to <br />purchase all three. <br />