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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 20, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 19 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 17, SERIES 2018 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PUD <br />TO ALLOW FOR A 37,171 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING, WHICH <br />INCLUDES A 10,754 SF PARKING GARAGE, ON TWO LOTS TOTALING 14,114 <br />SQUARE FEET ZONED CC; A FINAL PLAT TO VACATE THE LOT LINE BETWEEN <br />LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 3, TOWN OF LOUISVILLE; AND A SRU TO ALLOW FOR <br />OUTDOOR EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS AND A PARKING <br />GARAGE; LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK 3, TOWN OF LOUISVILLE SUBDIVISION <br />(712 & 722 MAIN STREET) <br />Mayor Muckle called the item and outlined the hearing procedure. <br />Planner Dean noted the applicant is Boulder Creek Neighborhoods who currently <br />occupy four buildings downtown. The company would like to demolish the buildings at <br />712 and 722 Main Street and construct a new building. The request is for a Final PUD <br />to allow for a 37,171 square foot commercial building, which includes a 10,754 sf <br />parking garage, on two lots totaling 14,114 square feet zoned CC; a Final Plat to vacate <br />the lot line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Town of Louisville, and a Special Review Use <br />(SRU) to allow for outdoor eating and drinking establishments and a parking garage <br />The ground floor would be retail and offices on the second and third floors <br />The building would have one story on the south side adjacent to the Huckleberry with <br />two stories on north side along Main Street. The third story is set back 40-49 feet from <br />Main Street and 37 feet 8 inches from the alley. At the alley edge, the building is two <br />stories with a small extension for the rear stairwell which would extend to the third story. <br />Waiver Requests: <br />-Rear setback encroachment of 19 25 feet for the stairwell <br />-Rear setback encroachment of 6 9 feet for the second story balconies <br />Staff supports the setback encroachments as they lend to architectural variation along <br />the alley side. <br />The application does meet the parking standards for downtown. The requirement would <br />be 30 parking spaces; the applicant is providing 32 on site with 28 spaces in a parking <br />garage and 4 surface spots. <br />Downtown development is governed by multiple standards included in the Design <br />Handbook, the Framework Plan, the Municipal Code (LMC), and the Comprehensive <br />Plan. Design is detailed in the staff report and staff finds the application meets many <br />architectural standards including. <br />• 1 and 2 stories at Main St. <br />• Rectangular form <br />• Flat roof <br />• Retail on the main level <br />• Visual interest along the street <br />