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--Final electric work was performed by a licensed electrician, Couper Elecric, but only after <br />Owner made numerous requests (demands) and informed Contractor that this was required <br />according to Louisville Code and per the contract. <br />6.5 Upon satisfactory payment being made for any portion of the work performed and <br />upon request of the Client, contractor shall furnish a full an unconditional release from <br />any claim or mechanics' lien for that portion of the work for which payment has been <br />made <br />--Owner paid all draws punctually and currently owes Contractor no further payments <br />--Project has been completed <br />--Contractor has not responded to numerous requests over several weeks for this document. <br />Article 8.2.1 <br />Due to short duration of project, all selections due prior to project commencement. <br />--Owner made selections well in advance. Attempt to place tile order not made until week two, in <br />spite of multiple requests by Owner. At this point it was discovered that the selection was not <br />available, necessitating additional investigation, work, and cost for consultation of designer on <br />the part of the Owner. <br />Article 10.1 If conditions are encountered at the construction site which are subsurface or <br />otherwise concealed conditions or unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, <br />which differ naturally from those which are ordinarily found to exist and generally <br />recognized as inherent in construction activities, the Owner will promptly investigate such <br />conditions and, if they differ materially and cause and increase or decrease in the <br />Contactor's cost and or time required for performance of any part of the work, will <br />negotiate with the Contractor an equitable adjustment in the contract sum, contract time, <br />or both. <br />--Pipe leading from cold water tap to fridge is over finished basement and thus not easily <br />accessible because routed through flooring. This was easily discovered in a few minutes by both <br />