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DocuSign Envelope ID: AC19E581-0F23-4C3E-8F58-811C891EBD9C <br />c. The board will consider the request for board extension at its next scheduled <br />meeting. Staff will notify the grantee via email of the board's decision to grant or <br />deny the request for a board extension. <br />d. Requests for a second board extension must follow all of the procedures listed <br />above. <br />C) To request a staff or board extension, use the Project Extension Request form. <br />D) GOCO expects the grantee to request the appropriate amount of time needed to <br />complete the project. Failure to complete a project by the original due date, or by <br />any extended due dates authorized by staff or the board, may result in the de - <br />authorization of the grant and a suspension from applying in future grant cycles. <br />