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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 15, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />3. Building and other improvements are funded with all private funding from the <br />Foundation, plus grants <br />4. Building and other improvements are funded with City funding and grants <br />5. Building and other improvements are funded through a combination of sources <br />including City funding, private fundraising by the Louisville History Foundation, <br />and grants <br />Mayor Muckle wanted to see the city make a strong statement of support. At a base <br />level he wanted an ADA compliant bathroom. An assumption is made by the public <br />when items are donated that they will be taken care of. He wanted some commitment <br />of funds. <br />Mayor Muckle called for public comment and heard none. <br />Councilmember Keany noted he might be biased as he is liaison to the Historical <br />Commission and supported option 5 which included a combination of funds. He would <br />like to see the City set aside 2 million dollars and then let the fundraising or other <br />options come up with the rest. <br />Councilmember Maloney saw great value in the Museum. He liked the Love Louisville <br />program. As a Councilmember, he has to look at both sides of an issue. The last <br />citizen poll showed a low interest in the Museum. He feels hesitant to go forward <br />without more input. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann had heard it was difficult to raise funds if it is not known if it <br />will actually be used. It is easy to say go ahead if the funding comes from someplace <br />else. She noted the needs the City had been unable to fund recently. Expectations are <br />not being met on current maintenance items and needs are going unfunded. She felt <br />she could not support earmarking 2 million dollars but could support if residents report <br />they are willing to pay for this particular project. <br />Councilmember Leh noted a city survey is going out soon and he felt the tolerance for a <br />bond issue could be gauged with that. The capital improvement project dollars have to <br />be considered carefully. He wanted to balance all the projects with the need to get the <br />Museum project supported. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton felt the first issue was whether there is 2 million dollars to commit. <br />to this project. He thought it would be good to get citizen feedback before moving <br />forward. The Council must support critical services and then make decisions in light of <br />all the requests they receive. He noted the City had funded a conceptual design and <br />now is being asked to fund a schematic design. He asked if the schematic design would <br />look at the other buildings on campus. Maintaining what is already on the campus is the <br />first priority. <br />