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2018 International Building Code <br />• Chapter 15.04 - 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE''' <br />• Sec. 15.04.010. - Adoption. <br />The International Building Code, 2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, 4051 <br />West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois, 60478, is hereby adopted by reference thereto and <br />incorporated into and made a part of the city Code. The purpose and subject matter of the International <br />Building Code include regulating construction aspects of building through comprehensive provisions and <br />standards regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, equipping, use, height, area, and <br />maintenance of buildings and structures and providing greater safety to the public by uniformity in building <br />laws. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the 2018 International Building Code is adopted in full, <br />including the outline of contents, index, and appendices as adopted herein and contained therein. Any <br />reference to the International Building Code within this chapter shall be to the 2018 Edition of such code. <br />• Sec. 15.04.020. - Amendments. <br />The following amendments set forth in sections 15.04.030 through 15.04.1 10 are made to the 2018 <br />International Building Code. <br />• Sec. 15.04.030. - Appendices adopted. <br />The following appendices of the 2018 International Building Code are hereby specifically adopted; <br />any appendices not listed are not adopted: Appendix C, Agricultural Buildings; Appendix G, Flood - <br />Resistant Construction; Appendix I, Patio Covers; Appendix J, Grading. <br />• Sec. 15.04.040. - Section 101.1 amended—Title. <br />Section [A]101.1 of the 2018 International Building Code is amended to insert "the City of Louisville" <br />so the section will read: <br />[A] 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of the City of Louisville, <br />hereinafter referred to as "this code." <br />• Sec. 15.04.050. - Section [A1109.2 amended—Schedule of permit fees. <br />Section [A]109.2 of the 2018 International Building Code is amended to read as follows: <br />[A] 109.2 Schedule of permit fees. For buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical and <br />plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid in accordance <br />with a fee schedule adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time. <br />• Sec.15.40.060.- Section 104 is amended to read as follows: <br />104.1 General. <br />The building official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this code. The building <br />official shall have the authority to render interpretations of this code and other ICC Codes and has the ability to <br />Page 1of5 <br />