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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />May 9, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Jeff explained that system -wide, there are 3 different types of properties in terms of <br />prairie dogs (PDs), and noted that between 2016 & 2017, all categories increased (30- <br />35% for HCA and MOA, 4% for NPD <br />Chris Barnes, 350 W Lucerne Dr, Lafayette asked why there was an increase in prairie <br />dog colonization on NPD lands. Jeff said a large portion of the increased % is on one <br />property, and Boulder doesn't have enough staff during the time-limited "window" to <br />reduce it. He also noted that it's challenging to reduce these numbers if burrowing owls <br />are present. Laurie Thayer asked if the machines used are the same throughout county, <br />Jeff said yes. Tenants can also do removal, with input from Boulder staff. Ember asked a <br />question on behalf of Jim Gibb: If a colony expands, is the tenant reimbursed for that <br />portion of unusable land? Jeff said yes. <br />Jeff noted that south county grassland is an HCA for prairie dogs in conjunction with <br />Rocky Flats; he hopes to increase colony size enough to re -introduce black footed <br />ferrets. <br />Laurie asked about plan to re -introduce ferrets, which needs at least 10k acres, given <br />that county won't accept prairie dogs removed from other properties. Jeff said natural <br />populations are growing enough that adding from other properties is not needed or <br />beneficial. Relocations are expensive and can be disruptive to existing colonies as well. <br />Laurie Thayer noted that the developer would pay and that Jeff's responses were <br />inadequate. <br />B. Mayhoffer Farm Acquisition Overview <br />The recent Mayhoffer Farm acquisition is 200 acres, 165 of which are designated as <br />agricultural and for passive recreation. All mineral rights were included in this purchase. <br />There are 3 private lots with existing historic structures (34.2 acres), and covenants to <br />limit what property owners can do/not do are in place. The water infrastructure cost <br />$452k (one-time cost; not sure what annual costs will be as tenant wants to farm more <br />intensively than Mayhoffers did). Joint owners are currently installing fencing between <br />Open Space and residential lots. Trail potential still needs to be discussed. <br />Laura asked if there is a plan for a public process for input into development ideas. Rob <br />noted that the citizen boards would provide input as public representatives. Laura noted <br />that communicating status to community is important, as so many residents are <br />interested in the property. Jeff said he supports community input for the non-agricultural <br />uses of the property. Fiona asked if riparian areas need remediation; Rob noted that <br />most of this is within the privately owned property and is not Open Space. <br />IX. Discussion Item: Trail/Land Collaborative Opportunities <br />Jeff mentioned social trails on the Callahan property (west of Goodhue Ditch) and the <br />possibility of turning some of those into established trails. This western part is <br />considered agricultural (as is the eastern part) and technically closed but is not being <br /># of acres colonized <br />Type <br />Description <br />Acres <br />2016 <br />2017 <br />HCA - Habitat conservation area <br />Prairie dogs encouraged <br />3,326 <br />834 <br />1171 <br />MOA - Multiple objective areas <br />Prairie dogs managed <br />4,419 <br />1175 <br />1341 <br />NPD - No Prairie Dog zones <br />Leased & irrigated <br />agricultural lands <br />17,198 <br />392 <br />679 <br />Chris Barnes, 350 W Lucerne Dr, Lafayette asked why there was an increase in prairie <br />dog colonization on NPD lands. Jeff said a large portion of the increased % is on one <br />property, and Boulder doesn't have enough staff during the time-limited "window" to <br />reduce it. He also noted that it's challenging to reduce these numbers if burrowing owls <br />are present. Laurie Thayer asked if the machines used are the same throughout county, <br />Jeff said yes. Tenants can also do removal, with input from Boulder staff. Ember asked a <br />question on behalf of Jim Gibb: If a colony expands, is the tenant reimbursed for that <br />portion of unusable land? Jeff said yes. <br />Jeff noted that south county grassland is an HCA for prairie dogs in conjunction with <br />Rocky Flats; he hopes to increase colony size enough to re -introduce black footed <br />ferrets. <br />Laurie asked about plan to re -introduce ferrets, which needs at least 10k acres, given <br />that county won't accept prairie dogs removed from other properties. Jeff said natural <br />populations are growing enough that adding from other properties is not needed or <br />beneficial. Relocations are expensive and can be disruptive to existing colonies as well. <br />Laurie Thayer noted that the developer would pay and that Jeff's responses were <br />inadequate. <br />B. Mayhoffer Farm Acquisition Overview <br />The recent Mayhoffer Farm acquisition is 200 acres, 165 of which are designated as <br />agricultural and for passive recreation. All mineral rights were included in this purchase. <br />There are 3 private lots with existing historic structures (34.2 acres), and covenants to <br />limit what property owners can do/not do are in place. The water infrastructure cost <br />$452k (one-time cost; not sure what annual costs will be as tenant wants to farm more <br />intensively than Mayhoffers did). Joint owners are currently installing fencing between <br />Open Space and residential lots. Trail potential still needs to be discussed. <br />Laura asked if there is a plan for a public process for input into development ideas. Rob <br />noted that the citizen boards would provide input as public representatives. Laura noted <br />that communicating status to community is important, as so many residents are <br />interested in the property. Jeff said he supports community input for the non-agricultural <br />uses of the property. Fiona asked if riparian areas need remediation; Rob noted that <br />most of this is within the privately owned property and is not Open Space. <br />IX. Discussion Item: Trail/Land Collaborative Opportunities <br />Jeff mentioned social trails on the Callahan property (west of Goodhue Ditch) and the <br />possibility of turning some of those into established trails. This western part is <br />considered agricultural (as is the eastern part) and technically closed but is not being <br />