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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 10, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Councilmember Stolzmann thanked the County for doing the inventory. She noted her <br />concern about where we are in hitting our targets. It looks like with the new <br />methodology we seem to be behind to meet the 2020 goal. Yancey stated we are not on <br />track to reach the goal. Councilmember Stolzmann would like that to be more obvious in <br />the report. Councilmember Stolzmann added she felt the per capita section is not that <br />helpful as some communities don't have commercial or industrial impacts. It doesn't <br />allow for true comparisons and she suggested it be broken out more per category. <br />Mayor Muckle asked about comparisons from previous years. Yancey stated the <br />methodology changed somewhat each year so the comparisons are not ideal. This <br />consultant included better data. <br />Baum stated the report recommendations for Louisville somewhat align with the <br />Sustainability Work Plan. They include: <br />• Evaluate the adoption of updated building codes to the further advancement <br />of energy efficiency in new buildings. <br />• Explore guidelines favoring energy efficiency in the new Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) Guidelines as potential "waiver criteria" and adding <br />Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) build -out for general or parking <br />waivers. <br />• Apply for a Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) grant to install an electric <br />vehicle charging station (EVSE) at the Recreation Center in 2018. <br />• Partner with Xcel Energy to increase the share of alternative energy with our <br />community. <br />Mayor Muckle stated the Council is supportive of the Sustainability Work Plan items. He <br />noted the effectiveness of collaborating with PACE on the Green Business Program. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION ENERGY FUTURE COLLABORATION DRAFT <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH XCEL ENERGY <br />Katie Baum, Sustainability Specialist stated on May 8, City Council directed staff to <br />begin drafting a Memorandum of Understanding to enter into a partnership with Xcel <br />Energy through its Energy Future Collaboration program. The MOU establishes a <br />voluntary partnership between the City and Xcel with the goal of developing a strategy <br />for achievement of a shared vision through collaboration focused on innovation, clean <br />energy, economic development, customer programs and technology. The process for <br />drafting the MOU began by establishing mutual values, vision and guiding principles, <br />which was based on the goals and strategies identified in the Louisville Sustainability <br />Action Plan and the values listed in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Xcel provided a <br />draft. MOU that staff and its Council liaisons reviewed and made edits to. Xcel reviewed <br />the proposed revisions and approved the draft MOU. <br />The next step in the process is drafting Attachment 1 for the MOU, which outlines initial <br />ideas for the City and Xcel to consider for the Work Plan. The Work Plan will detail the <br />