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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />July 11, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />those that RSVP'd. Upcoming events: Walk & Talk with the Mayor on July 21 at <br />Daughenbaugh Open Space, Bird Walk for Kids on July 25 at North Open Space, <br />Weed Information Booth on July 26 at Davidson Mesa Open Space. The Youth <br />Corp is wrapping up their time on Open Space projects; this year they worked on <br />Davidson Mesa trails and the bird blind at Hecla Lake. <br />F Dispatch issues resolved; rangers completed dispatch training and <br />communications with Police Dept. are going well. <br />G. Full time Maintenance position is vacant again. Seasonal workers are filling in <br />especially with mowing but seasonal hiring was several months behind schedule <br />due to lack of applicants. Hiring has been difficult for all Departments and many <br />organizations in this area. <br />VI. Board Updates <br />A. Helen reported on Walkin' and Talkin' with the Mayor held last month at North <br />Open Space. She noted that the focus was more on what the "ranger role" is and <br />bending the mayor's ear re: specific neighborhood issues, rather than on general <br />education. Ember said they would focus on more programing for the next walk. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda <br />Gary Mansdorfer, 1117 W Enclave Cir. Gary talked about the email he sent to Ember <br />(hard copies distributed) about allowing a 12" weed barrier & layer of rocks in Open <br />Space along the fence line. He noted that this can reduce use of herbicide and promote <br />native plants, and provides much more effective weed control than the currently -allowed <br />mowing protocol (10 ft. buffer - for fire control). He also noted that prairie dogs seem to <br />be re -colonizing up at Davidson Mesa and encouraged Board to keep an eye on this <br />issue. <br />VIII. Discussion Item: Ascent Church Property - Trail Elevation Selection <br />Presented by Allan Gill, Parks & Recreation Project Manager; Jim Candy, Co -Pastor at <br />Ascent Church; Jim Blankenship, JLB Engineering <br />Two options were discussed for east -side trail elevations: higher trail elevation (on top of <br />a built berm) or lower trail elevation (with berm alongside to control drainage). Jim <br />Blankenship explained the cross -sectional diagrams included in the packet. Missy asked <br />if proposed uses on the rest of the parcels has been determined as this would help guide <br />trail decisions. Jim B. reported that the other two owners have no current plans to <br />develop their parcels; future possible development nature is unknown. Mike asked about <br />maintenance aspects; Ember responded that this is technically a parks designation and <br />while it will be seeded with a native grass mix it will likely be mowed regularly. Jim <br />Candy noted that both options are ok with Ascent Church, but prefers trail on top of berm <br />to provide better views for users, although if trail is on top of berm, any future <br />adjustments for drainage will be more difficult. Allan noted that both options are <br />acceptable to City and that decision rests on aesthetics. Fiona asked if there is a <br />significant cost difference in building and/or maintenance. Jim B. & Allan said no. Peter <br />noted an elevated trail is at less risk from potential future flooding. Ember noted an <br />elevated trail is easier to maintain. Higher elevation is unanimously preferred by OSAB. <br />