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existing building which is being completely remodeled, such as the one across the street. <br /> Member Kenn-When is Louisville scheduled for the process. <br /> Tom Talboom -We have not yet been scheduled. They will contact us when they start to do this <br /> region. I would suspect in the middle of summer sometime <br /> Member Cullison-Do they some how come up with a ratio of inspectors to amount of <br /> construction business? <br /> Tom Talboom-They take a look at what inspections a department performs. <br /> 6 I.C.B.O. March Continuing Education Conference - 1997 Code updates. <br /> Tom Talboom-The City is providing for one class for each member of the Board. My <br /> suggestion would be to take the 1997 Building Code update. This should be a very good <br /> overview of the new code. My plan was to possibly do the International Plumbing Code next <br /> March, in 1999 If you would like to take a different class that would be fine as well. Just pick a <br /> day and class that you want to attended and have the application to me by tomorrow <br /> Member Hartronft-Will the revised section on egress be covered in the update class. <br /> Tom Talboom-Yes. I also notice that they are offering a special class just dealing with the new <br /> egress requirements. Egress is now broken down into three parts. Point of exit,point of ongin <br /> and then the path between the two As opposed to looking at all of them as on item. This has <br /> resulted m an increase in travel distances. <br /> Member Hartronft-If you apply the new egress to buildings constructed under the 1994 Code, <br /> how would they compare? <br /> Tom Talboom-The new code is less restrictive. Where this came about was the reclassification <br /> of some of the large buildings, such as aircraft manufactunng facilities. That would be an <br /> excellent class to take if you feel comfortable with the 1997 Building Code <br /> 7 Setting date and time for next meeting: The next meeting was schedule for March 19th, <br /> 1998 <br /> 8. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7 48 p.m. <br />