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The next section is 605.5 This has to do with deleting the PEX and PEX-aluminum tubing. <br /> This is item 21 on the ordinance. What I have done is delete the PEX and the PEX aluminum <br /> and keeping the deletion of the PB tubing. I still think they have a way to go to perfect their <br /> connections. <br /> Chuck Keim—If there is an engineered design which comes in and is using one of these types of <br /> tubing,will they be automatically rejected? <br /> Thomas Talboom—We would look at test data or information submitted that would show it does <br /> meet the-health and life safety provisions of the code. <br /> Kathleen Kelly—City Council has passed this ordinance as it was recommended by this Board <br /> on first reading. They will still be able to do second reading amendments to the ordinance. So <br /> the City Council will be looking for recommendations from this Board as to what those <br /> amendments should be. <br /> Thomas Talboom-The next section is section 701 8, engineered sanitary drainage systems. We <br /> had deleted that in its entirety This is one we will be puttmg back in. <br /> Thomas Talboom-Kathleen, section 714 refers to computerized drainage systems,which we <br /> don't want,how do we handle that. <br /> Kathleen Kelly—We would set this entire section forth in the ordinance and delete the reference <br /> to 714 <br /> Thomas Talboom-Next is section 901 6, engineered venting systems. We will look to put this <br /> back into the ordinance. Including the reference to section 918, complete engmeered vent <br /> system. <br /> Kathleen Kelly—Do you want to add table 918.2. <br /> Thomas Talboom—Yes. <br /> Chuck Keim—So item 53 on page 9 should also have a double strike through. <br /> Thomas Talboom—Yes. It should be added back in because it refers to table 918.2. <br /> Chuck Keim—Item 51 on page 9 is air admittance valves. I think we should leave it as it is <br /> written now Are we gomg to pursue that after adoption. <br /> Tom Talboom—At the present time I have looked at those administratively on a case by case <br /> bases. <br /> 2 <br />