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1910. Also, this house does appear on the 1909 Drumm's Wall Map of Louisville that is located <br />at the Museum. For these reasons, the 1908 date is presumed to be accurate. <br />In 1917, Brunet sold the house and property to Thomas Williams. <br />Williams/Gosselin Family Ownership, 1917-1936 <br />Thomas Williams, whom records indicate was born in Canada in about 1893, purchased 225 <br />County at around the time of his marriage to Margaret Gosselin (1894-1976). She had been <br />born in France and had emigrated as a child from France with her family in 1903. <br />The 1920 census records show Thomas and Margaret Williams and their two children to be <br />living in this neighborhood of Frenchtown, though the exact location can't be determined. In <br />1920, Thomas Williams transferred ownership of 225 County Rd. to his mother- and father-in- <br />law, Raymond Gosselin and Julia Caron Gosselin. The 1930 census records show both the <br />Gosselins and the family of their daughter, Margaret, to be living in Frenchtown. It seems likely <br />that one of the two related families was living at 225 County Rd. in 1930. Unfortunately, <br />directories from that time don't indicate exact addresses for these families. <br />In 1936, the Gosselins sold 225 County Rd. to Carmen and Della Romano. <br />Romano Family Ownership, 1936-2013 <br />Carmen "Tony" Romano (1899-1983) married Della Carroll Romano (1912-1980) in 1935. They <br />together purchased 225 County in 1936 and lived in the house. Carmen Romano had grown up <br />at what is now 301 East, just across the tracks to the east, and his relatives continued to live <br />there for several more decades. Prior to his 1935 marriage to Della, he had still been living at <br />home at 301 East with his mother and siblings, so he did not go far when he got married, similar <br />to how many other Louisville residents stayed close to other family members. Also, his sister, <br />Mary Romano Caranci, and her family lived immediately to the north of 225 County Rd. (at <br />1028 Rex). Some of their other siblings also lived nearby in Louisville. <br />Carmen Romano worked as a miner and carpenter. Della Romano worked at a local drugstore. <br />They had no children. <br />The following photo and ground layout image are from the 1948 County Assessor card for 225 <br />County Rd. (with the blue pencil writing dating from 1948, the red pencil dating from around <br />1954, and the date of the black pencil being unknown): <br />2 <br />