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Boulder County gives 1898 as the date of construction of the house. However, confirming Joan <br />Tuley's recollection of hearing that the house at 1100 Main was constructed in 1892, the <br />digitized deed viewable on the County website shows that James Weir purchased the two lots <br />in 1892. The 1892 construction date makes sense not only because James Weir bought the lots <br />in 1892, but also because there were already young children in the family who needed to be <br />housed and the family didn't own other property in Louisville. Census records starting in 1900 <br />show the family to be living at this location. <br />After the deaths of James and Joan Weir in the 1920s, their daughter, Jessie Weir Mitton, and <br />her husband, John Mitton, came into ownership of 1100 Main, and they lived there. Jessie Weir <br />Mitton lived in the house until she died in 1978 at the age of 90, and her nieces sold the <br />property the same year, after her death. <br />The property has been subdivided twice. The first time, Jessie Mitton sold the north 37.5 feet of <br />Lot 11 to Mike and Julia Fabrizio in 1945. The parcel that was created is now 1104 Main, and <br />the property extends all the way from Main to the alley. The date given by the County for the <br />construction of 1104 Main is 1946, which was the very next year. <br />Next, in 1958, Jessie Mitton conveyed ownership of the back of her remaining property to her <br />sister and brother-in-law, Mae Weir Meinecke and Henry Meinecke. County records indicate <br />that the house on the Meinecke parcel, which has the current address of 905 Short, was likely <br />constructed in around 1920 and was relocated to 905 Short in 1959. <br />Joan Tuley's 1995 letter to the Historical Museum mentioned the two divisions of the property: <br />"Grandpa's property included the land next door where the Fabrizios built their house and the <br />lot on the east end next to the alley. Jessie gave that lot to Aunt Mae who moved the bungalow <br />there." <br />The following photo of the house and a ground layout sketch are from the Boulder County <br />Assessor card that is dated 1948. <br />3 <br />