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to live. Two were built in the block south of Niehoffs and five up the street to the west.. <br />The present alley back of Austin's and the town [hall] was the west edge of Louisville. <br />Then the Jefferson addition to the west o[f] that was annexed. [This occurred in 1880.] <br />In the same interview, Jessie Niehoff Austin spoke of such childhood memories as day -long trips <br />to Golden, gathering wild plums along Coal Creek just south of town, and how her father and <br />other men would move trees from Coal Creek and plant them in the young town of Louisville. <br />The 1880 federal census records and 1885 state census records show the Niehoff family to have <br />been residing in the vicinity of what is now 717 Main, based on who is listed as living near them. <br />A map dated 1880-81 made by Samuel Freeze also indicates the "C. Neahoff" residence in the <br />correct location for 717 Main. <br />The following photo shows the three sisters in 1879 or early 1880 (left to right are Kate, Jessie, and <br />Anna): <br />In February 1880, Anna, or Annie, Niehoff died of diphtheria and pneumonia at the age of six. (Louisville <br />suffered through diphtheria epidemics in its early years.) <br />In about 1880, the fifth Niehoff child, Eddie, was born. He is believed to have been born in 1880 or later <br />because he is not listed with the family in the 1880 census records. The following photo shows Jessie <br />Niehoff and Eddie Niehoff and was likely taken in circa 1883: <br />3 <br />