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which part of a divided was being transferred from owner to owner, the earliest section <br />of the chain of ownership could not be completed. It is possible that eventually, <br />research of documents at the Boulder County Recorder's Office itself will be able to fully <br />reveal this chain. Based on the online records, early owners of the property appear to <br />have included such prominent Louisville residents as Joseph Youk, David and/or Jane <br />Carlton, Martin Zurich, and attorney J. Vaughan Sickman. <br />Whatever the particular identities of the early owners, there is no question that the 800 <br />block of Main Street (then called Second Street) was developed early in Louisville's <br />history. The earliest Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Louisville, for 1893, shows that <br />every lot of the west side of the 800 block of Main Street was already developed with at <br />least one building, all of them dwellings. A dwelling is shown straddling Lots 10 and 11, <br />as 817 Main currently does. It is possible that some part of the early dwelling on Lot 10 <br />and 11 was incorporated into the current building when it was built. <br />Date of Construction of the Current Building at 817 Main <br />Two different records from the Boulder County Assessor's Office give the different dates <br />of 1900 and 1910 as the date of construction for the current building. <br />Photo 1, Louisville Historical Museum, E-M N-5 <br />Also relevant to this inquiry of when the building was constructed is Photo 1, which <br />shows a building in Louisville being built by H.H. Fischer. The granddaughter of this well <br />known local family that was engaged in building construction stated to staff at the <br />Louisville Historical Museum that this photo shows the construction of this building at <br />817 Main in 1898 and that H.H. Fischer is shown on the far right. However, this <br />