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Henry and Anna Naeve had several children, with Annie, Catharina, Christine, Clara, <br />Emma, Minnie, Henry, Ella, and George appearing on the 1900 and/or 1910 census <br />records. Emma Naeve was a teacher in Louisville schools in at least 1915 and 1916. <br />Anna Naeve passed away in 1914. By the time of the 1920 census, Henry was operating <br />a farm on his property, and living with him were his daughter, Ella, age 18, and his son, <br />George, 16. Henry Naeve died in 1926. <br />Ownership of Corner Farm by Henry and Florence Richards, 1924-1946 <br />In 1924, Henry and Florence Richards purchased this parcel at what is today 9673 Dillon <br />Road. Henry Richards was born in Wales and he was in his forties at the time of the 1930 <br />census. He was listed as being the superintendent of a coal mine. His wife, Florence, was <br />also in her forties in 1930. <br />The 1940 census records show that Henry and Florence Richards were still living on this <br />property at that time, and Henry was a farm laborer. <br />Ownership of Corner Farm by Raymond and Dorothy Payne, 1946-1958 <br />In 1946, Raymond and Dorothy Payne acquired this property and worked it as a farm. <br />Raymond Payne was born in Colorado and lived from 1902 to 1968. Dorothy Hoffman <br />Payne was born in Illinois and lived from 1903 to 1980. <br />It was during the Payne ownership that the County Assessor's office took the following <br />photos of buildings on the property, with the historic farmhouse shown first. It is <br />believed that the photos date from 1948 or the early 1950s. Some of these structures <br />may no longer be standing. Other photos taken at that time, not included here, show <br />structures labeled as "gone." <br />