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Today, there are six houses along the north side of Pine Street on the east side of the tracks: <br />1105, 1109, 1125, 1133, 1145, and 1155 Pine. A Methodist Church Parish Map of Louisville, <br />Colorado made in circa 1923-25 shows five houses along this stretch of Pine. We know from its <br />appearance and other records that 1109 Pine was constructed more recently (the County states <br />that it was constructed in 1967). This suggests that the other five houses were already <br />constructed by circa 1923-25. (In an aerial photo taken in the 1930s, there also seem to be five <br />houses in this area.) For these reasons, the closest estimate for when 1125 Pine was <br />constructed would be circa 1920-1925. However, to qualify this statement somewhat, it is <br />possible that the current house is an older house that was relocated to the site, and it is also <br />possible that a previous house was torn down and replaced with the current house. <br />William Lee's son, Harry Lee, would own 1125 Pine for over fifteen years. Harry Lee had <br />married local Louisville girl Anna Mae Giles in about 1905. Her parents were George and <br />Elizabeth Giles, who were among the very earliest residents of Louisville. Her father is credited <br />with the construction of many of the earliest buildings. <br />At the time of the 1910 census, Harry and Anna May Lee appear to have been living next to <br />Harry's parents, Bill and Ruby Lee, on Pine Street. Harry's occupation was that of a teamster. <br />However, the census does not show in exactly which house they were living. Census records <br />show that in 1920, Harry and Anna May Lee were living in New Mexico, and by 1930, they had <br />moved with their three children to Superior, where Harry Lee was a farmer. <br />In 1938, William Lee conveyed property to his son, Harry Lee. This is believed to be how Harry <br />Lee came to own 1125 Pine. The 1940 census shows Harry and Anna May Lee and their children <br />(Harry Elwin Lee, who would soon serve in the Army Air Corps in World War II, and daughter <br />June) living on Pine Street near Harry's father, who lived at 1105 Pine. Although an address is <br />not indicated on the census, it seems likely that the family was living at 1125 Pine, which Harry <br />Lee owned by that time. As noted above, due to a lack of a pattern to Louisville's addresses on <br />this area of Pine Street before 1939, it has not been possible to determine exactly which of a <br />few possible families lived at 1125 Pine before Harry and Anna May Lee and their family moved <br />in. <br />In 1954, Harry Lee sold property that is believed to have been the parcel at 1125 Pine to Harry <br />and Bertha Seccki. The Secckis then sold 1125 Pine to Emile and Ruby Dangreau, with the deed <br />having been recorded in 1958. <br />Dangreau Ownership/Association, 1955-1971 <br />Louisville directories show that Emile and Ruby Dangreau were living at 1125 Pine by 1955, and <br />the deed by which they purchased the house was recorded in 1958. Emile was a Louisville <br />blacksmith at a time when many would consider it to have been a disappearing occupation. <br />