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Resource Number: 5BL 11304 <br />Temporary Resource Number: 157508414003 <br />30. Original location X Moved Date of move(s): <br />V. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS <br />31. Original use(s): Domestic, Single Dwelling <br />32. Intermediate use(s): N/A <br />33. Current use(s): Domestic, Single Dwelling <br />34. Site type(s): Urban residence <br />35. Historical background: <br />This building is part of Jefferson Place, the first residential subdivision in Louisville. <br />According to Boulder County records, the house at 828 Jefferson was constructed in 1998. It replaced a house that is <br />believed to have been built in about 1905. <br />The original 828 Jefferson was among several properties purchased for resale by Harper Orahood from Jefferson <br />Place developer Charles Welch in 1898. The next owner was Italian -born Carlo Lolli, who purchased the property in <br />1904 and lived in this location with his wife, Lucy, and six children. The Lolli family is shown in the 1910 and 1920 <br />census records as living in the original house at this location. Carlo Lolli worked as a coal miner. <br />After Carlo Lolli sold the original house (with the deed having been recorded in 1921), the next owners were: John <br />Madsen; Joe Long; Onorio and Lucy Ferrera (who owned it for nearly fifty years); Eugene and Palmena DiCarlo; and <br />William Elrod Jr. and Paula DiCarlo Elrod. County records show that the current owners are still William and Paula <br />Elrod. This property has been owned by the DiCarlo/Elrod family since 1971. <br />Another address used for the original house on the lot at 828 Jefferson was 834 Jefferson, according to the 1940 <br />directory. No other former addresses were found. The current house was always addressed as 828 Jefferson. <br />36. Sources of information: <br />Boulder County "Real Estate Appraisal Card — Urban Master," on file at the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History <br />in Boulder, Colorado. <br />Boulder County Clerk & Recorder's Office and Assessor's Office public records, accessed through <br /> <br />Directories of Louisville residents and businesses on file at the Louisville Historical Museum. <br />Census records and other records accessed through <br />Drumm's Wall Map of Louisville, Colorado, 1909. <br />Methodist Church Parish Map of Louisville, Colorado, circa 1923-25. <br />Archival materials on file at the Louisville Historical Museum. <br />Louisville building permit files <br />VI. SIGNIFICANCE <br />37. Local landmark designation: Yes No X Date of designation: NA <br />Designating authority: NA <br />37A. Applicable Local Landmark Criteria for Historic Landmarks: <br />3 <br />