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Resource Number: 5BL8212 <br />Temporary Resource Number: NIA Architectural Inventory Form <br />(Page 3 of 5) <br />V. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS <br />31. Original use(s): Single Dwelling <br />32. Intermediate use(s): Single Dwelling <br />33. Current use(s): Vacant / Not in Use <br />34. Site type(s): Miner's Cabin <br />35. Historical Background <br />Information regarding the two cabins at 801 and 809 was obtained primarily from Mrs. Frankie Paxton who has <br />lived across Lee Avenue from the cabins for many years. Information from Mrs. Paxton was corroborated by Boulder <br />County and Longmont City directories research. These were two of four cabins, or small houses, built between Lee <br />Avenue and the railroad tracks in about 1940. The cabins were aligned in a row so that they fronted onto Lee <br />Avenue. The cabin at 801 Lee Avenue was the smallest of the four, with each cabin to the north slightly larger <br />than the one before it. For many years, the cabins were owned by Mrs. Marjorie Downer, who lived at 825 Lee <br />Avenue during much of the period between circa 1940 and 1970. Mrs. Paxton related that the two cabins had <br />many tenants over the years. Her brother Ralph, and his wife, lived in one of the cabins for a short time after they <br />were married in 1959. Following Mrs. Downer's death, the cabins passed into the hands of her brother, and were <br />later acquired by a nephew. The two cabins at 801 and 809 Lee Avenue have both been vacant for many years. <br />36. Sources of Information <br />Polk'sBoulder County Directory [generally published annually], Denver, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk <br />and Company Publishers. <br />Paxton, Frankie. Telephone interview with Carl McWilliams, May 30, 2000. <br />