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Resource Number: 5BL915 <br />Temporary Resource Number: N/A Architectural Inventory Form <br />(Page 3 of 5) <br />V. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS <br />31. Original use(s): Single Dwelling <br />32. Intermediate use(s): Single Dwelling <br />33. Current use(s): Single Dwelling <br />34. Site type(s): Residence <br />35. Historical Background <br />This house was built a few years after the turn of the twentieth century, and has served as a single family residence <br />since that time. The property's early owners may have included Robert and Mary Jacoe. By 1916, though, this <br />was the residence of Frank R. and Rose Jordinelli. (Boulder County directories contain myriad spellings for <br />Jordinelli, including Geordinelli, Jardinelli, Gordinalli, and Jordinalli.) The Jordinellis had come to Louisville in the <br />very early 1900s, where Frank found work in the coal mines. Before moving into this house, the family lived in the <br />Caledonia Addition, in the northeast section of Louisville. Robert Jordinelli, possibly a brother, lived on LaFarge <br />between Pine and Hutchinson at about the same time. Another Jordinelli family lived on Second Street. This <br />property stayed in the hands of the Frank and Rose Jordinelli family for many years, and eventually passed on to <br />their daughter Mrs. Minnie (Jordinelli) DeRose. Born circa 1899, Minnie is listed in the 1928 Boulder County <br />Directory as a teacher. In later years, she worked as a telephone operator at the Mountain States Telephone and <br />Telegraph Company office which was located at 913 Main Street. Mrs. Minnie DeRose continued to live here in <br />retirement into the 1990s. Walden Miller & Catherine Abel are the property's current owners, maintaining it as <br />a rental. They live in Louisville, and have held the property since April 1998. <br />36. Sources of Information <br />(Boulder County) "Real Estate Appraisal Card - Urban Master", on file at the Boulder Carnegie Library. <br />Conarroe, Carolyn. The Louisville Story, Louisville: Louisville Times Inc., 1978. <br />Mehls, Steven F., Mehls, Carol Drake, and Fell, James E. Jr. "Colorado Historical Society, Historic Building <br />Inventory Record", (1100 LaFarge Avenue), August 2, 1985. On file at the Colorado Historical Society, Office of <br />Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Denver, CO. <br />Polk'sBoulder County Directory [generally published annually], Denver, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk <br />and Company Publishers. <br />Polk's Longmont City Directory, [generally published annually], Denver, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk <br />and Company, Publishers, 1966 - 1997. <br />