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Resource Number: 5BL8007 <br />Temporary Resource Number: NIA Architectural Inventory Form <br />(Page 3 of 5) <br />V. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS <br />31. Original use(s): Single Dwelling <br />32. Intermediate use(s): Single Dwelling <br />33. Current use(s): Commerce and Trade / Professional <br />34. Site type(s): Real Estate Office <br />35. Historical Background <br />Information regarding this building's construction history is conflicting. Donald Fleming, who lives in a residence <br />just to the southwest of this property, stated that this house was moved here from Erie in about 1957. A 1948 <br />appraisal photo, however, appears to show that the same house (or perhaps a very similar one) was here at that <br />time. At any rate, a residence of one sort or another, has existed on this lot since at least 1893. The 1893, 1900, <br />and 1908 Sanborn insurance maps all depict a small rectangular -shaped dwelling on this lot. This was not the <br />same as the present building, though, as it had a different configuration, and was located closer to the south lot <br />line. <br />Boulder County Assessor records indicate that for many years this property was home to Joseph and Annie Lakovich. <br />The Lakovichs came to Louisville circa 1910, and for a time lived in a house on Grant Avenue. Joseph, like so <br />many men of his day in Louisville, was a coal miner. In the 1930s he was employed by the Louisville - Lafayette <br />Coal Company. Other members of the Lakovich family included Joseph Jr., Mary, Anthony, and Wilma (possibly <br />the wife of Joseph Jr.). Joseph Lakovich Jr. became a coal miner as well. In 1940, he worked at the Hi -Way mine. <br />In the 1950s, this property was acquired by Thomas W. and Inez Graham. The property then remained with the <br />Graham family into the late 1980s. Jane A. Sr Gary R. Salisbury, the current owners, have held the property since <br />March of 1990. They operate an All State Insurance office here. <br />36. Sources of Information <br />(Boulder County) "Real Estate Appraisal Card - Urban Master", on file at the Boulder Carnegie Library. <br />Fleming, Donald. Oral interview with Carl McWilliams, April 28, 2000. <br />Polk'sBoulder County Directory [generally published annually], Denver, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk <br />and Company Publishers. <br />Polk'sLongmont City Directory, [generally published annually], Denver, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk <br />and Company, Publishers, 1966 - 1997. <br />Salisbury, Jane, A. Oral interview with Carl McWilliams, April 28, 2000. <br />Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, dated August 1893, November 1900, and August 1908. <br />