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Resource Number: 5BL8013 <br />Temporary Resource Number: N/A Architectural Inventory Form <br />(Page 2 of 5) <br />21. General Architectural Description <br />Displaying elements of the Bungalow style, this building is a wood frame dwelling, <br />supported by a low stone foundation. The building's exterior walls are light beige <br />color stucco, over wood frame construction. The roof is a moderately -pitched front <br />gable, with brown asphalt shingles, and boxed eaves. One red brick chimney is <br />located on the exterior of the south elevation. A large, non -historic, single -light <br />fixed -pane fixed -pane window, flanked by single -light casement windows, is <br />centered on the facade, and covered by a fiberglass awning. A canted hipped - <br />roof bay window, with three non -original fixed -pane windows, is located on the <br />south elevation. Also on the south elevation, there are thee 1/1 single -hung sash <br />windows, and one large single -light fixed -pane window, flanked by single -light <br />casements. All of these windows have metal frames, and are not historic. Window <br />patterns elsewhere include 1/1 double -hung sash, 2/2 double -hung sash, and 5/1 <br />double -hung sash (ribbon style), all of which appear historic, if not original. An <br />enclosed front porch, with battered half walls, is located on the west elevation. <br />The porch is covered by a gable roof, with decorative purlins and a ridge pole with <br />knee braces. A 10-light glass -in -wood -frame door, with an aluminum storm door, <br />enters the porch on the south side. A secondary entrance is located at the east end <br />of the south elevation, where a wood -paneled door, opens onto a 4-step concrete <br />porch. <br />A Secondary Residence is located in the backyard, east of the house. This is a <br />11/2-story wood -frame building, supported by a low concrete foundation. Its exterior <br />walls are painted yellow horizontal weatherboard, with 1 " by 4" corner boards, and <br />it is covered by a moderately -pitched side gable roof, with red asphalt shingles and <br />boxed eaves. One red brick chimney is located at the south end of the roof ridge. <br />Windows are 2/2 double -hung sash, with painted yellow wood frames, and painted <br />brown wood screens. A painted yellow wood -paneled door, is located on the west <br />elevation. A metal awning projects over this door and a window. A painted beige <br />wood -paneled door, with two slender upper sash lights, with rounded tops, and with <br />a wood screen door, located on the east elevation. <br />A large Garage is located just northeast of the Secondary Residence. This <br />building has a concrete slab foundation and floor, and red glazed brick walls, <br />covered with concrete pargeting. The roof is flat, with stepped side gables along <br />the north and south elevations. A painted white horizontal sliding, vertical wood <br />plank door is located at the west end of the south elevation. A painted red roll- <br />away garage door is located at the east end of the south elevation. <br />A small Shed is located just north of the Secondary Residence, and west of the <br />Garage. This small building has a wood timbers on grade foundation, vertical <br />wood plank walls, and a gable roof, with red asphalt shingles over 1x wood <br />decking and 2x wood rafters. A wood -paneled door is located on the west <br />elevation. <br />29.Construction History (include description and dates of major additions, <br />alterations, or demolitions: <br />Sanborn insurance maps provide evidence that this house was constructed before <br />1893. The enclosed front porch does not appear on the 1893, 1900, and 1908 <br />Sanborns. Displaying elements of the Bungalow style, the porch probably dates to <br />the 1910s or 1920s. The Secondary residence was built between 1900 and 1908. <br />23. Landscape or setting special features: <br />This property is located on the east side of <br />Main Street in downtown Louisville. <br />24. Associated buildings, features, or objects <br />Secondary Residence, Garage, Shed <br />IV. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY <br />25. Date of Construction: <br />Estimate ca. 1890 <br />Actual <br />Source of information: <br />Sanborn map, 1893 <br />26. Architect: <br />n/a <br />Source of information: <br />n/a <br />27. Builder/ Contractor: <br />unknown <br />Source of information: <br />n/a <br />28. Original owner: <br />unknown <br />Source of information: <br />n/a <br />30. Original location: <br />Moved <br />Date of move(s) <br />yes <br />no <br />n/a <br />