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Resource Number: 5BL11316 <br />Temporary Resource Number: 157508435014 <br />Local Field Eligibility Assessment: Eligible. The property is worthy of nomination as a Louisville Local <br />Landmark as a good example of a Craftsman and Bungalow house. It is also eligible as a Louisville Local <br />Landmark for its association with European (Austrian) immigrant coal -mining families who flocked to Colorado's <br />coal mining communities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in search of economic <br />opportunities they could not find in their own countries. <br />37B. Applicable State Register of Historic Properties Criteria: <br />A. The property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to history. <br />B. The property is connected with persons significant in history. <br />C. The property has distinctive characteristics of a type, period, method of construction or artisan. <br />D. The property has geographic importance. <br />E. The property contains the possibility of important discoveries related to prehistory or history. <br />X Does not meet any of the above State Register criteria. <br />State Register Field Eligibility Assessment: Not Eligible <br />38. Applicable National Register Criteria: <br />A. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad pattern of our history; <br />B. Associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; <br />C. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents <br />the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or represents a significant and <br />distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or <br />D. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory. <br />Qualifies under Criteria Considerations A through G (see Manual) <br />X Does not meet any of the above National Register criteria <br />39. Area(s) of significance (National Register): NA <br />40. Period of significance: NA <br />41. Level of significance: NA National State Local <br />42. Statement of significance: This house is associated with the historic development of Louisville as one of the <br />early twentieth-century homes in Louisville's first residential subdivision, Jefferson Place. Although Jefferson Place <br />was platted in 1880, little construction actually took place until the early years of the twentieth century. The property <br />is significant for its association with residential development in Louisville during the first half of the twentieth century, <br />and significant for its association with European (Austrian) immigrant coal -mining families who flocked to Colorado's <br />coal mining communities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in search of economic opportunities they <br />could not find in their own countries. It is especially significant because it has been owned by members of a single <br />family throughout its existence. The house is architecturally significant as an intact example of the Craftsman and <br />Bungalow style/types. <br />43. Assessment of historic physical integrity related to significance: <br />Since its 1902 construction date, the property has been modified very slightly and retains excellent integrity of <br />setting, materials, design, location, workmanship, feeling and association. <br />6 <br />