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Resource Number: 5BL8023 <br />Temporary Resource Number: 157508425007 <br />COLORADO CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY <br />Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form <br />OAH P 1405 <br />Rev. 9/98 <br />1. Resource Number: 5BL8023 2. Temp. Resource Number: 157508425007 <br />2A. Address: 801 Pine Street, Louisville, CO 80027 <br />Previous address prior to 1939: 331 Pine, 339 Pine, 209 LaFarge or 209 La Farge. Louisville addresses <br />were changed in 1939. There was some variability between 1939 and 1943. By 1943, addressing stabilized to <br />the system in place today. LaFarge is sometimes spelled La Farge. <br />3. Attachments 4. Official determination <br />(check as many as apply) (OAHP USE ONLY) <br />X Photographs _ Determined Eligible <br />X Site sketch map _ Determined Not Eligible <br />X U.S.G.S. map photocopy _ Need Data <br />_ Other _ Nominated <br />_ Other _ Listed <br />Contributing to N.R. District <br />Not Contributing to N.R. Dist <br />5. Resource Name: <br />Historic Name: Barker House <br />Current Name: Ziashakeri and Kazemian House <br />6. Purpose of this current site visit <br />(check as many as apply) <br />Site is within a current project area <br />X Resurvey <br />X Update of previous site form(s) <br />Surface collection <br />Testing to determine eligibility <br />Excavation <br />Other <br />Describe This property is within the Jefferson <br />Place Subdivision in Louisville, which is being evaluated for historic district potential in 2010 — 2011. <br />resurvey is part of the historic district evaluation process. <br />This <br />7. Previous Recordings: Architectural Inventory Form 2000, as part of "Old Town" Louisville Historical Building <br />Survey by Carl McWilliams of Cultural Resource Historians. <br />8. Changes or Additions to Previous Descriptions: Since the 2000 survey, the exterior siding has been <br />painted white. The roofing consists of dark gray asphalt shingles. A large skylight facing south over the front <br />entrance still exists. It is visible in the 2000 photo but it was not noted in the 2000 survey. The main entrance <br />door is painted dark blue. Entrance porch roof posts have been painted white. Two of the porch roof columns <br />are turned, the other three are plain wood 4x4 posts. The entrance porch floor consists of a wood deck, three <br />wood steps up from the sidewalk. The north entrance door has been painted green. The storage shed has <br />been painted white with green trim. The shed door has been painted green and has a single large light. There <br />are two large crawl -space hatches: one on the east side of the house and one on the north side, west of the <br />rear porch. <br />Construction History: As noted in the 2000 survey, the house was probably constructed around 1890. In <br />1971, windows and doors were replaced and the chimney removed. The main entrance, which was originally <br />further west, may have been relocated at the same time. Window openings were also modified. Siding was <br />replaced in 1981. The skylight was added in 1982 and the porch deck was replaced in 1984. <br />1 <br />