. lSiY.ulr�..- .ua.t:C1 `''.'1 A4. ..w ice• r .sw'�..c• c. - X' •
<br />WA&LANTr L4m-1 laroeaT ,s.-� Mn+Yintin, aryl Fur<xr!..col...1W0!1,,,,acdo
<br />/
<br />Oil
<br />t •(� 1ir.vr '.:... �/^.r.••: �G �! 7<. f • / , in the t•pa• ^; our Lord one thnuasa'I r
<br />hundred and. ' •c-<'+a_s> -
<br />.. :orpor0;ion t
<br />rin;v o:emir?•! and existingrealer and ,v virtue of t. : u:-cd I!:,. St•.:r of !-cl••r:.d••. of the part, and.. /
<br />:. �. ..--r i.; .... z <11-, % r: . .1j, :/ c. • e, r . 5- l..= a ..c-//. : ex. ..
<br />:ctt-r.-.-c.�jli c„,-s n'u'��tea-'
<br />1', tr.•t r ._wadi .te_nf_ t.tr.r*7•.r of the second pan'. / -<
<br />!',anesseth. That the valid party of the first fart, for and in c•rmirieratina of the 'um of
<br />t.----.c<_ („'fi:/ a ). .. DaLL.trv,
<br />trl the said pc-;v of t tic first part in hand pni'i by the said j.•Irt..lts.: :: the srrand ;,art, the re 'lpt whereof is hereby ennirssc'! and :mknow:Ac,d,
<br />'.:alit granted, bargained, sold and r•orlveyed. and ny these pres:•n'.a .! :It l•rant, barguir, , sell, eenvey and confirm unto the said i.psrlr./ of th u second
<br />eira and assigns forever, all the following ,I-rrilw•d Iet.e or parry,. —of land. si that.', king a 'l I;cing is to a!nu!R,• a
<br />Boulder and State of i'olurad,, to -wit:
<br />Lsts One to Siz ( 1 to 6), inch;s!.ve, Block Ten (10); ;sots one to Six (1 to 6)
<br />and Nine tc twelve (9 tp 12), .both Inc t;c':•e, Block Eleven (11); Lots One to Twelve (_ to 12)
<br />inclusive, Block Twelve (12); Lots One Three (1 to 3/ Lot 'ive (5) and Lots Seven to Twelve
<br />(7 to 12), inclusive, Block Thirteen (1) end Lots we to Twelve (1 to 12), inclusive, Block
<br />.-; Fourteen (14), all in Caledonia Place kid .Scn to the Town of Louisville, Boulder County,
<br />'r? ` Colorado.
<br />Excepting therefrocl,snd reserving unto the :s,id first party,all of the coal,oil,pstrolc.tua,petro-1
<br />lets oil, gas, and ant` a.1'_ all minerals,of e:-y kind or character,in or under.ying the said lands,
<br />or any part thereof,toF^,ether with the right-of-way. to enter in and upon tho sal' lands end each
<br />and every part thereof,to prospect,expiore cad mine for any and ail of the said minerajs,oils,or
<br />geses,e,td the right-of-way on,over,and in the raid lands for the. purposes aforesaid,and for the
<br />purpote cf mining and removing any of the e_-resaid products found in commercial quantities with-
<br />in the said premises; also reserving tc the .--+.•antor herein the right to remove the crop now grow-
<br />';ing on said real property, or any part ther:.
<br />PP.OVIDED.SOWEVE1t.that the grantor,lts s ccessors or assigns,shall pay to the grantee,its suc-
<br />cessors or assigns, the reasonable value of ...ny of said lairds it may appropriate for the purpor.eS'
<br />of any of the foregoing reservatlons,and ehal_ compensate said second party for any injury or
<br />:damage inflicted upon the remaining premises as a result of the exercise or enjoyment of said res-
<br />ervations, or any thereof, Said dam.'ge, however, shell never exceed in the aggregate the sum ,f
<br />five thousand ($5,000,C0). dollars
<br />Together 1Ci!1, all and singular the l ercdit:events an 1 spporr e•taners thereinto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion read
<br />sever -ion:. remainder and remainders. rents, issues and profit tl,e:-•' f; and all the estate. right, title. interest. claim and demand w hats.ever of the
<br />said party of 11re first p::•t, either in law or equity, of, in aril to 'It • a me imr.nin:d pre nines, with the hereditament. and appurtenances.
<br />To Ilaye and to IIold The said premises above bargained .too described, with the appnrten:lnres, unto .. .. .
<br />- - - - - - � _ , .. the said part// .,_ o t I r nisi p.:r.
<br />•.-�- `thus and r_e. zne forever. And the said . `t._- -•; r�1•`U , «J./( +-t er r ,.r . .I . 1 '
<br />•
<br />..party of the frst ;art, or itelf, it, Burr, -.ors and d/ign.ds,.mi
<br />rg•.r.n.:.d,
<br />grant, !,nniu and agree to ntt, with the said par'..« . o1 the se„ • part, ,e-i'`c- . «r /{•'wirr.,,ud assigns, that at the tine. of the en'.ealin• and
<br />delivery of tl•t•re presents it i' well seized of the premises above re•.•: eyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate fir inilr•rit :owe,
<br />in law, in ice `linp!r, and h,eh good right, full power and lawful fur .ority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and farm aforesaid,
<br />and that th • some are free and elenr fre•v all forester and other g.• r1', bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assesselentr.::::d inrnal:brances of whatever hind
<br />or nature soccer; ...... ._ .. _ _
<br />i
<br />and the above nargrinrd premises in the quirt and peaceable pass.• inn of the said part. of the o second part,. _I 'vnp,. and uss�gns.
<br />against rill and every person or persons I::wfully einoning or to el: to the whole or :my part thereof, the said party of the first part :.h:dl ;.n:i will
<br />'Warrant and Forever Defend.
<br />In Witness Whereof, The said ^sty of the first part hoth <tweed its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its —• _President,
<br />:inch its corporate seal to he hereunto affxed, attested by its Srrre-r:v, the day ;and year first ,drove written.
<br />f. R. ST-A M. S
<br />i?
<br />ATTts.;�
<br />. 'CNCL(40 t}. ^ �/� �•
<br />.. /., ".>!-:" y;.-• �}. ... .. P:test:,;:�r.
<br />1.':111'Tt1r:•. ' ('
<br />S 1 1 OF Cor.o11ADn, _
<br />r e CSTI or '�2..(.uwr•, N /1.>*-r. 'rc>.r...- , _i. Notary Public In ami for
<br />t . .ai 1 L s7y 7-' .0 o.tnt.'. to the Stater. r. •',h?, do hereby certify that .v /:� v itl.. /-j•^- e/t C. ,, ,, . !
<br />- .. . !.•; are personalty Itnow n nr to r to ne llir/sn• •person 1 nr,rs ar
<br />e s,11,.:"r.brd
<br />to the i fit a (Iced h.i r.rt d th
<br />e respectively .. fi,— President and Secretary o/f.fir_.✓ / i/r,-r r.;.t. �'�•
<br />- .._.'t <, • r r, ,--,/,'''' rt� _ , n corporation and who la
<br />ue known to v'• to be •oe
<br />`i!err r'-pvrtively, appeared before inc this day in person :mile ••t -ally anknoyulertged: That the seal affw,ed to the foregoing instrument. is the
<br />corporate seal of said rnrprradion that the. >:al:e wss tLartluto nli'' '+v tile lulhurtly n( said corporation; that said in!tr!unenl was by Ids, ; uthority
<br />subseribrd with ile roe trarate natant 1!io tied-...la,�i.z - }.. /;- - .j
<br />j L .- is the ..President of said corporation,
<br />and the said.. ., =. .Z.,,_�G
<br />.. '_=' r r 2 t%./. 4. : is ?ccretary thereof; that by the ault±sit)' of said rnrpG:.ltion !!•e•• reaptictivr'y
<br />rclw�'•ribe-d their names therein as. ,: ....Prc'oident sad ' • et_•y, and that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrutnert of writing
<br />/ ;vyii$:, ' a1 th..ir free aril'voluntay act and ' -i, nra1 as the. free and voluntary net and churl of said corporation for the dies
<br />,-----------..„',14, , -. and I urpori-s therein set forth.
<br />"N Afty 1 ,` Given under my hand anti Vat :riot seal this.... ,,��f'..... day of % i -:•. r..�.et.
<br />t SA. 1). IJ ; s,
<br />, 0 11y commission expires. r y, rY.•1 •' ..1 i
<br />` a ce _... F.ti —est-71./f..:,:/. //i-.,.ter.._..
<br />/
<br />Piled tar rrrn:d the..J, day 'if. .... , f- „3n _ e,.. ...A. D. ln.:2", at.. /.. o'clock/` 1.
<br />f'-/l7. -,
<br />,lay..
<br />Rrr pr,nnn.
<br />.Dorr•ry,
<br />11
<br />