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<br />THIS DEED, Made this 6th cty of December, A. D. 1960, by and between GEORGE
<br />ELL.IS, the Commissioner for and rn behalf of the Town of Louisville, a muunci;.al
<br />cerpnration in the County of Boa.der and State of Colorado, duly appointed by a
<br />Resolution of the Board of Trusty:s of the Town of Louisville, Colorado, passed
<br />and adopted on the 6th day of December, A. D. 196U, for the purpose of making
<br />this conveyance, of the first part, and LOUISVILLE ROD AND GUN CLUE, a Co.lorad:
<br />corporation, organized and cxiiating under and by virtue of the laws of the State
<br />of Colorado, of the second part.
<br />WITNISSLTH, That the said party of the first part for and in consideration
<br />of Ten Dollars to the party of tl • first part in hand paid by the Tarty of the
<br />se.:ond part, receipt of which is t-reby acknowledged, and subject to the condi-
<br />tions and provisions hereinafter ..tated, has granted, bargained, sold and con_
<br />vcycd, and by these presents does grant, bargain,scll, convey and confirm unto the
<br />second party, its successors and ;;signs forever, the following described parcel
<br />of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Louisville, County of 4ouldcr and
<br />State of Colorado, to_wit:_
<br />"A tract of land containint one and one -hall acres, more or less, situ-
<br />ated in the Southeast Quart:r of the Northeast Quarter of Section ti,
<br />Township 1 South, Range o9 West of the 6th P. M., desctihed as follows:
<br />'neginning at the Southeast Corner or said Northeast Quarter of said
<br />Section S; thence North 81' 42' West a distance of 517.66 feet alone.;
<br />the South line of said Northeast Quarter of said Section 8; thence
<br />North 30 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 89° 42' West
<br />a distance of 163.5 feet; thence North 8° 11' West a distance of 350.05
<br />feet along the Easterly lir- of the Colorado and Southern Railroad right
<br />of •,ay; thence East 213.33 ' et; thence South 347.35/;c 0)rc or less, to
<br />the true point of bcginninl;,' "
<br />TOGETHER WITH all and singt.lar the hcrcditaments and appurtenances there -
<br />unto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,
<br />remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate,
<br />right, title, interest, claim demand whatsoever of the said party of the first
<br />part, either in law or equity, o , in and to the above bargained premises, with
<br />the hcrcditaments and appurtenanc:s.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and descritcd, with
<br />theappurtcnanccs, unto the party of the second part, subject, however, to the
<br />provisions of the aforementioned Resolution, and subject to the provisions and
<br />conditions:
<br />(a) In the event said pro:-rty is not used by, or is abandoned by,
<br />said Louisville Rod ace Gun Club for a period of one calcnd::r
<br />year, or in the cveot that the membership of said Louisville Rod
<br />and Cum club shall fa below seven members, the title to said
<br />• property shall revert to the Town of Louisville and all imur•o.'emcnts
<br />placed thereon by sal' Louisville Ro.l and Gun Club shall remain
<br />thereon as part of the• real estate;
<br />(hi in the event said pre arty and improvements are offered for sale
<br />by said Louisville Rc• and Gun Club, then the Town of Louisville
<br />shall have the first lrti.on to purchase said improvements at lily
<br />bona fide offered pri e acceptable to said Louisville Rod and
<br />Gun Club, and in the -vent the Town of Louisville does nut el..t
<br />to buy said improvements, then the purchaser of said real property
<br />and improvements thereon shall pay to the Town of Louisville the
<br />sum of $1,5C0,00 for the real property above described;
<br />-1-
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