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Resource Number: SBL9110 <br />Temporary Resource Number: NIA Architectural Inventory Form <br />(Page 4 of 5) <br />.... :...........1+:{�._.. _:....c..�3:..h..... '4�.-}:L:{.:h }3`A...•.......{:Sti {v.. t..f...:.}:.}:::;:...x::,:.y:.♦ K4}:ti: J:'•: �.}:•: "4'•:i•}::•:'•:•:ti: •}':: '•}%:.}Y.::.:� v:.: v::::::: •w:.� w::::::::: w::: v:................................................ c. M:.C.f ..... r.. \.... _. is _._.... a...a :r. \..:...•.:c:.. � \ :.cgxc:c :.:: }}:...u4.nw:::::{.,:::..b..::iiiyi.}}}}}}}:;;;.}:?b}:O}:^4::: }:.}i:6:x0:•}:^ii: <br />VI. SIGNIFICANCE <br />37. Local landmark designation: <br />Yes <br />No xx <br />Date of Designation: nla <br />38. Applicable National Register Criteria <br />xx A. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; <br />B. Associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; <br />xx C. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or that <br />possess high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; <br />D. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield information important in prehistory or history; <br />Qualifies under Criteria Considerations A through G (see Manual). <br />Does not meet any of the above National Register criteria. <br />39. Area(s) of Significance: <br />Architecture; Community Planning and Development; Entertainment / Recreation <br />40. Period of Significance: 1926-1952 <br />41. Level of Significance: <br />National: <br />State: <br />Local: xx <br />42. Statement of Significance <br />This building is historically significant relative to National Register Criterion A for its association with Louisville's <br />social and cultural development during the period 1926-1952. Used as a clubhouse by the Louisville Rod and Gun <br />Club, and later as a troop room by Boy Scout Troop 69, the property has had a long and continuous history as a <br />social meeting place. The building is also notable for its close proximity to Miners Field baseball park, and to <br />Louisville's bandstand and park facilities, during the period of significance. The structure is also architecturally <br />significant under National Register Criterion C for its modest expression of the Mission Revival style of architecture. <br />Although this building represents a very unpretentious example of the style, it is so far the only historic Mission <br />Revival style building recorded in Louisville, and one of only thirteen examples of the style known to exist in <br />Boulder County. Based on the above discussion, therefore, the Louisville Rod and Gun Club building may be <br />considered individually eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A and C. <br />43. Assessment of historic physical integrity related to significance: <br />Please see continuation sheet. <br />