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Resource Number: 5BL 11326 <br />Temporary Resource Number: 157508404005 <br />19. Primary external roof material: Synthetic roof <br />20. Special features: Fence <br />21. General architectural description: 809 Walnut is a one-story commercial building, rectangular in plan and facing <br />south to Walnut Street. The south facade has a central, single entrance door, which is a clear -finish aluminum <br />storefront door. Flanking the door are two large fixed display windows with clear -finish metal trim. Three <br />additional fixed display windows face east to the alley, and a smaller east -facing window is further north. The <br />front facade, and southern part of the east elevation, are clad with vertical ribbed metal siding below a <br />suspended flat metal awning painted black. Above the awning the wall is faced with dark red stucco. The <br />southeast corner has a decorative wainscot of simulated sandstone in a random ashlar coursing. <br />The foundation is board -finished concrete. The building structure is concrete masonry coated with dark red - <br />colored smooth stucco, with some sections of vertical ribbed metal siding. The roof is flat with a parapet <br />topped by clear -finish metal parapet flashing. <br />The north end of the building is a separately -entered unit with the address 811-1/2. <br />22. Architectural style/building type: No style <br />23. Landscaping or special setting features: Landscape or special setting description: Jefferson Place Subdivision <br />is a historic residential neighborhood adjacent to downtown Louisville. The subdivision is laid out on a standard <br />urban grid of narrow, deep lots with rear alleys. Houses are built to a fairly consistent setback line along the <br />streets with small front lawns, deep rear yards and mature landscaping. Small, carefully maintained single- <br />family residences predominate. Most of the houses are wood framed, one or one and one-half stories in height, <br />featuring white or light-colored horizontal wood or steel siding, gabled or hipped asphalt shingled roofs and front <br />porches. While many of the houses have been modified over the years, most of the historic character -defining <br />features have been preserved. <br />809 Walnut is located on a deep, narrow lot within Jefferson Place. Its commercial architecture and function are <br />unique in Jefferson Place and more similar to Main Street. The property is fenced with chain link fencing on the <br />west and north. The building is set very close to the asphalt alley to the east. The front entrance is set about <br />two feet above the sidewalk elevation along Walnut Street, accessed by four concrete steps leading to a raised <br />concrete platform edged by concrete masonry topped with thin sandstone. <br />24. Associated buildings, features, or objects: None. <br />IV. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY <br />25. Date of Construction: Estimate: Actual: 1954 (altered 1975, 2011) <br />Source of information: May 1995 Louisville Historian <br />26. Architect: Unknown <br />Source of information: NA <br />27. Builder/Contractor: Unknown <br />Source of information: NA <br />28. Original owner: Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph <br />Source of information: May 1995 Louisville Historian <br />29. Construction history (include description and dates of major additions, alterations, or demolitions): This building <br />was built to house the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph switchboard operations. In 1975, the building <br />was remodeled and converted into a hair salon. It may have been at this time that diagonal cedar siding was <br />installed, and a simulated mansard cedar shingle fascia was added on the front facade. The building was <br />altered in 2011 by the addition of exterior stucco, vertical ribbed metal siding, additional windows on the front, <br />and addition of a suspended flat metal canopy over the front and part of the east side. <br />30. Original location X Moved Date of move(s): <br />2 <br />