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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 30 2018 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Novak reviewed the questions and answers that all of the various groups were asked <br />• What do you want this City Govemment to be known for? Efficient, innovative, <br />transparent <br />• Louisville Employees are Dedicated, professional, responsive, caring <br />• What do our employees do? Provide services, serve residents <br />• Observed values Customer Service, teamwork, respect <br />All of the information gathering led to this framework created by the management team <br />• VISION The City of Louisville — dedicated to providing the best small town <br />experience. <br />• MISSION Our commitment is to protect, preserve, and enhance the quality of life in our <br />community <br />• VALUES I CARE. <br />Innovation Leading and embracing change and transformation through creative <br />thinking, learning, and continuous improvement. <br />• Collaboration Proactively engaging colleagues and other stakeholders in <br />developing solutions through open communication <br />• Accountability. Fulfilling our responsibilities, owning our actions, and learning <br />from our mistakes. <br />• Respect: Treating people, processes, roles, and property with care and concern <br />• Excellence Doing our best work and exceeding expectations with responsive, <br />efficient, and effective customer service <br />Novak stated that out of the above came the critical success factors: Financial <br />Stewardship & Asset Management; Reliable Core Services, Vibrant Economic Climate, <br />Quality Programs and Amenities, Engaged Community; Healthy Workforce; Supportive <br />Technology; and Collaborative Regional Partner <br />Deputy City Manager Davis reviewed the next steps: Staff will identify specific strategic <br />initiatives to be included in the plan These priority initiatives are informed by the budget <br />and other initiatives that are ongoing such as the Transportation Master Plan and will be <br />aligned with the work we are already doing This includes priorities that can be <br />completed in the next 12 -24 months and should allow us to identify priorities in <br />conjunction with the budget process. <br />She added that in the implementation of the plan it will be important to develop a <br />strategy to use this for internal culture building and organizational development. Some <br />work will be needed to connect this to existing goals and KPIs. In addition, we will need <br />to have opportunities for measuring progress. The hope is the Council will be able to <br />look to this tool as a part of its planning as well <br />