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Horticultural & Forestry Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 6, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />tree protection plan as part of the permit process; a potential loophole in some <br />tree preservation ordinances may allow owners to remove trees during the <br />scrape-off, then submit a building plan; and replacement of removed or damaged <br />trees (with the guidance of a list of approved trees) should be a part of the tree <br />preservation plan. The comment was made that as green building becomes a <br />more common and desirable practice, landscape will become a part of the <br />permitting process. <br />For December meeting, each board member will draft an outline of <br />important points to be included in a Louisville tree protection ordinance. <br />After all notes have been compiled and organized, a draft outline will be <br />forwarded to Paul Wood and Malcolm Fleming for review and comment. <br />Landscape Maintenance -- Mike recommended that wherever possible, park <br />sprinklers be kept on as late in the season as possible in order to provide water <br />during dry fall weather and prevent drought stress going into a potentially dry <br />winter. Dean commented that it takes several weeks to blow out all irrigation <br />lines on City property, however it may be possible to time critical areas such as <br />Community Park to be winterized last in order to water less-established <br />plantings. <br />Discussion of City taking on more park maintenance instead of contracting out <br />some services. Dean plans to have irrigation done by his staff next summer. <br />Arboretum -Pergola construction is almost complete; only metal roofing <br />remains to be installed. The construction area surrounding the pergola has been <br />regraded, and Chris plans to hire a contractor to reseed that area. <br />The 501 c(3) application process is complete; Mike will open bank account soon. <br />Chris will order tree identification tags; HFAB members have volunteered to help <br />install them. <br />Regarding xeric garden maintenance, Chris has received a proposal from a <br />company to do cleanup this fall, as well as maintain the garden throughout the <br />2009 season. <br />Website -Chris will post information about using beetle-killed wood as firewood; <br />also plans to post article about the potential impact of mountain pine beetles on <br />the urban areas of the front range. <br />Library -- Theresa suggested asking the library to have on hand seasonal <br />gardening information, eg County Extension fact sheets on specific subjects such <br />as fall/winter watering. <br />Adjourn -The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm. <br />