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City of Louisville Strategi <br />Introduction <br />The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to outline how the City can best serve our residents now <br />and into the future. The Strategic Plan will serve as a road map for our organization, to strengthen <br />our organizational culture, and to serve as a communication tool for the community to understand <br />the strategic vision and operating guidelines of the organization. <br />As an internal, guiding document, the Strategic Plan outlines our operating guidelines for the <br />organization as a whole —our Vision, Mission and Values, as well as our Critical Success Factors —and will <br />help align our organizational culture with the work that we do. In addition, the Strategic Plan includes <br />Priority Initiatives that capture the City's key priorities for the next one to two years (aligned with the <br />biennial budget process) in each of the Critical Success Factor areas.The City has many initiatives <br />ongoing throughout the year, in addition to the daily operations required to run the City. The Priority <br />Initiatives represent those projects or initiatives occurring in the next one to two years that are above <br />and beyond our daily operations, which represent an increased level of service, have new or additional <br />dedicated resources and funding, and help advance the City's vision. Together, these elements <br />demonstrate to our residents what we plan to accomplish, and the manner in which we commit <br />to doing our work. <br />The development of a Strategic Plan has been a priority for City Council and the City Manager, to serve <br />as a singular, guiding document that aligns with the City's Comprehensive Plan, program -based budget, <br />Home Rule Charter and other planning documents to reflect one unified vision for the organization. <br />Existing plans are still relevant, and will continue to provide direction in key areas of our work. <br />In addition, the City of Louisville continues to move forward with its program -based budget <br />structure, which includes program areas with specific goals, and sub -programs with detailed objectives. <br />Our progress in meeting these goals and objectives are measured on an annual basis through our Key <br />Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the Strategic Plan reflects how our Priority Initiatives are aligned with <br />these program areas. In essence, the program/sub-program areas reflect all the work of the City that's <br />performed on a day to day basis, the Priority Initiatives reflect those high -priority efforts that represent <br />an increased financial and resource investment over a period of time, and the Strategic Plan reflects <br />how we do our work. <br />Thank you for reading this document. We hope it will quickly become a useful tool that becomes <br />an integral part of our organizational operations, and which also will serve to inform our residents <br />about the work we do. <br />1 <br />