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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 17 <br />The item was published in the Boulder Daily Camera on September 23, 2018 and all <br />other required locations and mailings on September 21, 2018. <br />Ritchie alerted the commissioners and members of the public recent emails were <br />available at the meeting. Those new emails would also be included in the packet for City <br />Council. <br />Ritchie explained that Christ the Servant Church submitted a request to build a <br />columbarium on their property. Columbaria were not one of the listed uses in the <br />Municipal Code, but staff determined that a cemetery would be the closest use. <br />However, the SRU would not allow the Church to expand their existing proposal without <br />coming back for review. The Church held neighborhood meetings to go over the <br />columbarium design and the Church has made changes to their plans based on <br />neighborhood feedback. <br />Staff found that the application met all of the criteria under the comprehensive plan with <br />the following two conditions: <br />1. Prior to the City Council hearing, the plan shall be updated with a note stating <br />any new or relocated lighting shall be full cut-off, mounted below the top of the <br />screen wall, and turned off each night by 9:00 p.m. <br />2. Prior to the City Council hearing, the description of the proposal on Sheet 1 shall <br />be updated to match the proposal shown on Sheets 2 and 3. <br />Brauneis added that the Commission had not heard the plan in 2017 even though that <br />was when it was originally submitted. <br />Rice asked if cemeteries were allowed by right elsewhere, if there were any similar <br />structures in the city, and if there were cemeteries in the city. <br />Ritchie responded that cemeteries were not allowed by right in the neighborhood. She <br />was not aware of any other columbaria in the city, but there was a city cemetery by Coal <br />Creek. <br />Zuccaro added that cemeteries were allowed by right in agricultural zone districts. He <br />also listed other zones that allowed cemeteries by SRU, all of which were types of <br />residential districts. <br />Rice asked if there was anything in the Comprehensive Plan that contemplated a <br />cemetery in a residential neighborhood. <br />Ritchie responded that the only policy that related to changes over time in residential <br />areas was NH4. The Comprehensive Plan did contemplate neighborhood subarea <br />plans, which were intended to be addressed at a later date. <br />Rice clarified that there was nothing in the Comprehensive Plan that addressed <br />cemeteries. <br />Ritchie responded that that was correct. <br />4 <br />