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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Decemberl l 2018 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Julia Novak, Novak Consulting, reviewed the process to date. The Strategic Plan is the <br />answer to what do we know to be true today where do we want to go, and how do we <br />get there. The framework was developed collaboratively with the management team <br />and staff. The feedback from Council in October was taken into consideration and the <br />vision statement was tweaked to include "small town atmosphere. Staff has created an <br />implementation program, aligned the City programs with the Critical Success factors, <br />and identified the priority initiatives. Tonight is to finalize the framework to be followed <br />by implementation. The focus is now on building culture and the organizational values. <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated the critical success factors are really to determine <br />how we do our work, how we want employees to work in alignment with our values, and <br />to define how we function at our best. The critical success factors are foundational to <br />the organization for a number of years. <br />The priority initiatives are what we need do in the next two years. While they align with <br />the budget and the CIP plans, these are above and beyond what we do on a day-to-day <br />basis. These represent places we put additional resources to get an increased level of <br />service. The third piece is to align the programs and subprograms and these initiatives. <br />Deputy City Manager Davis reviewed some of the specific priority initiatives staff has <br />listed for each category These priorities were influenced by the City Council's budget <br />discussions and with management team input. <br />City Manager Balser stated priorities were based on the budget discussions where there <br />were requests for additional service levels. <br />Novak stated the implementation is now up to the City The focus will be on staff and <br />how they communicate it, how they will focus the organization, and how to update it and <br />keep it relevant. <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated the organizational implementation will be evolving as <br />we see how to integrate it into the work staff does. It will be important to have a strong <br />kick-off and for everyone to understand what it means to them as an employee day-to- <br />day We want everyone to be familiar with it and explain how it affects customers. The <br />plan is to launch early in the year After launch, each department will determine how <br />best to implement it and how their staff will determine how it is important to them. With a <br />new trainer coming on next year there will be more training resources for all employees. <br />Novak noted this will be integrated heavily into human resources processes where they <br />have the ability to reinforce the intentional culture with systems and processes. This will <br />also help Council to frame their work plan for future years. <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated this will be integrated with existing plans such as the <br />Comprehensive Plan and others. This will be aligned with the Key Performance <br />