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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 18, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 14 <br />A columbarium is a room or wall with niches for storage of funeral urns and is classified <br />as a Cemetery under the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) Approval of this application <br />would allow only what is proposed, any changes would require additional approvals. <br />She reviewed the history of the property <br />The application, if approved, will not allow burial of human remains rather it will only <br />permit the construction of the columbarium as shown on the SRU plans to hold <br />cremated human remains. The property, and the surrounding neighborhoods are zoned <br />Residential Estate (RE) A cemetery requires approval of a SRU in the RE zone district. <br />This was originally submitted in September 2017, after meetings with neighbors the <br />applicant submitted a new design and included a trip generation letter that shows no <br />increase in traffic, with which Public Works concurs <br />The columbarium will be in a fully enclosed courtyard with a 7'4" foot wall All access to <br />the columbarium is from inside the Sanctuary, with no access from outside. From the <br />exterior it will match the existing building The niches for urns are located on the screen <br />walls facing the existing church and are not visible from the exterior of the building <br />Planner Ritchie showed renderings of the proposed columbarium. <br />Ritchie stated staff recommends approval of the Special Review Use <br />Councilmember Maloney asked if this is a cemetery use or a church use He noted he <br />thinks when it was external facing it might be more cemetery, but now as it is internal <br />facing it seems more of a church use Ritchie stated it could have fallen in either <br />category Staff felt the use as a cemetery was the most appropriate and consistent with <br />the code based on the use, not the design <br />Director Zuccaro stated staff looked at many definitions as there is no definition in the <br />LMC but did find this consistent. He noted either way staff would be looking at the <br />design, external impacts, lighting, architecture, etc. They felt cemetery use was the <br />appropriate category when the application was submitted Ritchie noted either use <br />would have required a Special Review Use hearing <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked if the City Attorney could highlight the federal law affecting <br />this application <br />City Attorney Kelly stated the requirements of the Religious Land Use and <br />Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) prohibit a local government from applying zoning <br />laws and regulations in a way that substantially burdens religious exercise including the <br />use, building or conversion of real property for the purpose of religious assembly without <br />a compelling government interest pursued through the least restrictive means It also <br />prohibits local governments from treating religious uses less favorably than non- <br />religious assembly and uses It prohibits local governments from discriminating based <br />