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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 18, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 14 <br />The pastor noted she understands the emotions around this topic. This location is <br />important to the congregation to show they are not alone in facing death <br />Jeff Layman, member of the church and the columbarium committee, stated the goal <br />has always been to be a good neighbor for this project. In the initial conversations with <br />the Planning Department they were advised to have a neighborhood meeting and <br />invited those within 500 feet of the property The meeting did not go well at all and the <br />church members understood why, the location faced neighbors directly, it was a bad <br />first attempt. The committee went back to the drawing board to come up with the plan <br />here tonight, no homes face the structure, everything is screened by a wall that matches <br />elevations, and juniper trees are added to block it, and the only access is from inside <br />the church <br />A second meeting with the neighborhood presented this new design. There was still <br />some opposition, but it was better The opposition comes down to three things affecting <br />property values which is hard to verify; the classification as a cemetery — there will only <br />ever be inert ashes, and traffic, there was a traffic impact letter and the church is willing <br />to do a second study if that is helpful. Mr Layman felt this design addresses the <br />concerns. <br />Councilmember Leh asked the applicant if they considered any alternative locations <br />other than on the property Lord stated having it on the property is consistent with their <br />identity and mission <br />Public Comments <br />Anne -Marie Petrie and John Schneider (748 Orchard Court) pooled their speaking time <br />Anne -Marie Patrie, 748 Orchard Court, long-time resident and member of church, was <br />very excited for the columbarium. She wanted to address concerns of what would <br />happen if the church closed permanently and left the columbarium. Worst case <br />scenario, the regional synod would work to move ashes to a new site as families <br />determine. She did object to classification as cemetery and felt it was too jarring for <br />what the church wants to do with the columbarium. It will not have the appearance of a <br />cemetery Any fees charged will only be for construction and maintenance She <br />understood people's discomfort with death, but felt the church might be the best place to <br />deal with that. She noted many churches in surrounding areas have a columbarium on <br />their property <br />Maureen Kannischer, 2335 Andrews Drive, Superior, member of CTS stated she <br />wanted to address the emotional side of this conversation It is important for her to have <br />a columbarium in the same place they worship to be able to recognize those who have <br />passed on This is part of the religion and how lives are celebrated It is not going to <br />affect property values or increase traffic or affect the aesthetics of the neighborhood, but <br />it will allow the members to practice their faith in a way that is meaningful. <br />