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LCity,/ Department of Planning and Building Safety <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO .SINCE 187749 Main Street • Louisville CO 80027 • 303.335.4592 • <br />Root does a quick overview and explanation of adopting the above 2018 codes and <br />amendments. <br />Root explains the appendixes the City is adopting and reasoning behind it. Within the <br />IRC, the appendixes we are proposing to adopt are A, C, D, F, H, J, M, P, and T. In the <br />IBC, the appendixes are C, F, I, J, K, and N. <br />He mentions that swimming pool and fencing codes are no longer separate codes but <br />are now included in the 2018 IRC and IBC. Other than the IRC, IBC, and IFC, the rest of <br />the code books have very few amendments. <br />Ramsey asks for clarification with Root that all decks need to submit engineered plans. <br />Root confirms this and explains that most plan reviews submitted for decks are not <br />drawn clearly and often staff has to help re -design the plans in order to make sure it <br />meets the minimum code requirements. This in return becomes much too time <br />consuming for staff. <br />Root explains that in the IRC, work can be exempt from getting a permit as long as the <br />work is done by a homeowner and the valuation of the job does not exceed $500.00. <br />With our new adoption of the codes, we are increasing the valuation amount to <br />$2,500.00. Root confirms that this exemption would not include any structural or <br />electrical work. We are also increasing our Temporary Certificate of Occupancy fee to <br />$600.00 in order to deter companies from wanting a TCO than a CO. Once a CO is <br />issued, a portion of the TCO fee will be refunded back to the company. <br />The board recommended moving forward with the changes in the energy portion and <br />the amendments going into effect for the IRC and IBC. <br />Adoption of 1997 Abatement of Dangerous Building Code <br />This adoption gives the City permission to claim a building is dangerous or unsafe and <br />is no longer allowed to be an occupied space. Root explains to the board the benefits of <br />adopting this code. <br />Revoking a Contractor's License <br />Root explains to the board that he has been working with the City Attorney in creating the <br />process and procedure of revoking a contractor license. The City Attorney is reviewing <br />staff's documents and will provide feedback on how to proceed with adopting the process. <br />Root explains that the process of revoking a license would begin with the chief building <br />official receiving the complaint. Then if the complaint held merit, the building official would <br />decide whether or not the board would need to be involved in revoking the license or not. <br />Staff Comments: <br />None heard. <br />Discussion Items for Next Meeting: <br />➢ Procedure of Revoking a Contractor License <br />