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CHAIR: <br /> <br />BERANATO: <br /> <br />CHAIR: <br /> <br />JOSS: <br /> <br />evidence will show that these individuals had previously been at a party in <br />Boulder before coming into the licensing establishment. They entered the <br />establishment at approximately 8:00 p.m. on this particular evening. <br /> <br />The evidence will further show that prior to going to the licensing establishment <br />these individuals had consumed various alcoholic beverages at a private party in <br />Boulder. <br /> <br />At approximately 9:20 p.m. on that same evening officers of the Lousiville Police <br />Department were dispatched to the licensed establishment relative to a report of <br />a bar fight in the establishment. This bar fight upon investigation resulted in <br />furniture within the premises being displaced, broken glasses and bottles occuring <br />within the establishment. Upon investigation the evidence will show through the <br />officers that were involved that two parties were actually involved in the <br />altercation who were still in the bar upon the officers responding to the premises. <br />Through the investigation as the officers will testify tonight that it was clear that <br />both parties who were involved in the altercation were intoxicated. There was a <br />third party, third person who was a part of this group or gathering who was also <br />intoxicated, who attempted to intervene during the officers investigations. <br /> <br />The evidence will show that the parties involved in the altercation informed the <br />officers that during their stay at the licensed premises during this approximately <br />one-hour and twenty-minutes, that they consumed at least one and a half pitchers <br />of beer and one or two shots a piece, excuse me, that was one individual. A <br />second individual indicated that he had consumed five to six beers and the third <br />individual indicated that she had consumed two beers at the licensed <br />establishment after consuming three beers off-premises. <br /> <br />This information as the evidence will show was confirmed by the officers review <br />of a forty-five dollar bar tab that had been accumulated by these parties in this <br />short-time frame. The evidence will further show as we will establish through our <br />testimony that the license holder and owner of the establishment was present in <br />the licensed premises during this altercation and during this event, but that he was <br />also intoxicated. <br /> <br />Does the Attorney for the Licensee have any opening statement? <br /> <br />No. <br /> <br />We will now proceed with the City's evidence. <br /> <br />Question of order. Is it alright for the officers to testify here (at table) or would <br />you like them to step to the podium or how would you like to procede relative to <br />that? <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />