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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 10, 2019 <br />Page 2 of 16 <br />automobile garage and outdoor sales for retail goods and eating and drinking <br />establishments (Resolution 1, Series 2019). <br />• Applicant: 712 Main Street, LLC and 722 Main Street, LLC <br />• Case Planner: Rob Zuccaro, Director of Planning and Building Safety <br />Public notice was published in the Boulder Daily Camera on December 23rd, 2018 and <br />in all other required postings on December 21st, 2018. <br />Brauneis asked for conflicts of interest. None disclosed. <br />Zuccaro noted that there had been substantial changes to the original application from <br />last year. The new proposal included a 22,020 square -foot commercial building and a <br />5,802 square -foot parking garage, designed with the intent to have commercial uses on <br />the first floor and office space on the second. The overall height was still 45 feet. The <br />main changes between the original proposal and the current one dealt with the third <br />story. <br />Zuccaro addressed parking and other development criteria. There was a 23-space <br />parking requirement of which the proposal covered 18. The remaining 5 spaces would <br />be paid as a fee in lieu for the Downtown Parking Fund. Zuccaro reviewed the <br />Downtown Louisville Framework Plan, Design Handbook for Downtown Louisville, the <br />Comprehensive Plan, and the zoning code, all of which regulate development <br />downtown. <br />Staff finds that the proposal meets the requirements and review criteria. <br />Zuccaro presented the rear setback waiver request. The majority of the building met the <br />setback requirement. All of the alley setback requirements are met in the proposal, plus <br />the balconies and the staircase are well -designed and add to the architectural interest of <br />the building. Staff found that the proposal met the waiver criteria by enhancing the <br />design of the building. <br />Zuccaro presented the view angles for the third story. The third story is 1,000 square <br />feet and the applicants provided a view analysis, showing that the third story would be <br />behind the second story from straight across the street. Some view angles would be <br />able to see portions of the third story. <br />Staff finds the project meets all applicable PUD criteria as outlined in the staff report. <br />Zuccaro addressed the SRU compliance criteria for outdoor sales. The second -floor <br />deck and the patio area were included in the SRU. The proposal includes limits to the <br />uses under the SRU typical of similar SRUs staff has seen and staff finds that this SRU <br />request meets the criteria. <br />On the subdivision plat, the proposal moved the lot line to allow for a single building on <br />the property. Staff finds that it meets all criteria. <br />Staff recommends the proposal overall. <br />Howe asked how many proposed retail spaces could fit on the ground floor. <br />