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Louisville. This project came about to grow the company and stay in downtown Louisville. <br />He noted this can be both a problem and part of the solution for the downtown economy. <br />He wants to have a building where offices don't use retail space on the first floor. This <br />keeps business people downtown and accommodates retail or restaurant uses on the <br />main level. They would like to have room to grow in this new space. <br />Sinkey stated this building and design are the best effort to make changes based on the <br />feedback from Council last year. This project fits the downtown guidelines with less mass. <br />There was feedback at the last meeting about restricting it to retail on the main level and <br />that causes issues with financing a building. It would be a mistake to limit how retail can <br />be used on this site. It is designed for retail and restaurant use as the market will allow. <br />He thanked Council for their consideration of this project. <br />Public Comments <br />Rick Kron, president of the Downtown Business Association (DBA) and resident 746 West <br />Fir Court, stated the DBA is in support of this project that is well designed. This is a <br />quality space for retail and office uses. The DBA believes this deserves Council's <br />approval. On behalf of Jennie Hlawatsch, owner of the Singing Cook, he read a <br />statement. Her store is adjacent to the project. She is very supportive of the project which <br />will bring much needed retail space. She values the historic nature of downtown, but we <br />need to accommodate change. Boulder Creek is an asset to the downtown and their <br />employees shop. This will be a positive change to the downtown. <br />John Leary, 1116 Lafarge, stated the project with the changes now generally meets the <br />requirements in the handbook. He is still concerned about the intent language for retail on <br />the first floor. He thinks the building is significantly under -parked by up to 30-40%. <br />Caleb Dickinson, 741 Grant Avenue, member of HPC, but speaking on his own behalf <br />stated this is very tasteful infill that adds to the downtown without taking away from the <br />historic nature of the surrounding buildings. This is respectful of the space and a great <br />opportunity for the whole block. This should send a message that if you want to do infill in <br />Louisville you have to meet a very high bar; this project checks every box and is the <br />model of what we are looking for as a community. <br />Cindy Bedell, 662 W. Willow Street, noted the job of elected officials is not to maximize <br />profit for landowners. This has a better mass and scale than the first version. However the <br />north section is not consistent with downtown. The roofline does not fit in in Downtown. <br />Downtown is doing very well and we don't need more buildings to maintain sales tax <br />revenue. Council should not approve this without a requirement to have some uses <br />besides office space. <br />Jean Morgan, 1131 Spruce Street, stated this building is out of place for downtown. If <br />approved, it should have bird proofing glass. The building is under -parked and should <br />15 <br />