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herein, the next selected pre -qualified registrant shall be considered. Should one of the <br />selected registrants be for a location that is within 1,500 feet of one of the registrants <br />selected before it, said registrant shall be given sixty (60) days from the date of selection <br />to find a premises that complies with the 1,500 feet distance requirement and submit <br />proof of lawful possession as provided in Section C(a) Should the registrant fail to <br />submit such proof within sixty (60) days, the next pre -qualified registrant shall be <br />considered. <br />F The other registrants chosen shall, in the order selected, be placed on a waitmg list. <br />Registrants may remain on the waiting list for up to twelve (12) months from the date of <br />the initial selection after which the list shall expire. Upon expiration of the waiting list, <br />applications shall be accepted on a first come basis. <br />G REGISTRANTS ARE PROHIBITED FROM SELLING, TRANSFERRING, <br />ASSIGNING OR OTHERWISE CONVEYING THEIR ENTRY OR ANY <br />LOTTERY OR WAITING LIST POSITION <br />H. Selected registrants must obtain all required State and local licenses within six (6) months <br />from their date of selection. Upon written request, the Licensing Authority may, for <br />"good cause," as determined solely within the Licensing Authority's discretion, grant an <br />applicant one extension not to exceed mnety (90) days. <br />I. SELECTION OF A REGISTRANT IN THE LOTTERY SHALL NOT BE <br />CONSTRUED TO CREATE ANY RIGHT OR ENTITLEMENT TO LICENSING <br />BY THE CITY AND SELECTED REGISTRANTS REMAIN SUBJECT TO ALL <br />REQUIREMENTS IN STATE LAW AND THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE. <br />Section 2. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. The Secretary is hereby <br />authorized to perform all acts necessary to effectuate the rules set forth herein. <br />INTRODUCED, READ, and ADOPTED this 26411 day of 1-e 6v- , 2019 <br />ATTEST <br />Carol Hanson, Authonty Secretary <br />3 <br />Matthew Machado Chairperson ' <br />