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Recreation Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />March 18, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Recreation Staff Update, Dashboard and Construction Update <br />Programming and Punch List <br />• Katie Beasley presented an extensive update on Senior -Services <br />Programming. This included insights into and summaries of outreach, <br />trips, special events, food services, drop -in programs, fitness and sports, <br />classes and resources. The use of volunteers was highlighted. Future <br />plans were also reviewed. <br />• Kathy Martin updated the Board on progress with the punch list. The hoped - <br />for completion date is the end of July. The need for action regarding the <br />heat situation on the western part of the second floor was stressed. <br />• Kathy Martin presented the FitZone Survey summary and summer <br />schedule. Michele Van Pelt suggested that the survey results be applied <br />to the fall programming. She also suggested that additional survey <br />questions in the future apply to specific classes. <br />• The requirement for Open Government Training was stated. Gene <br />Kutscher hoped that more dates could be offered as he would be away for <br />the single spring offering. <br />• The Recreation Center procedures for periods of emergency school <br />closures was reviewed. The preschool will follow BVSD procedures. <br />Dashboard Subcommittee <br />• Kathy Martin also updated the dashboard. Jeff Lipton stated that the City <br />Council Finance Committee was pleased by the progress of the format but <br />that work still remained. He felt that the dashboard painted a very positive <br />overall picture. <br />Golf Dashboard and Staff Update <br />• Michele Van Pelt presented a draft of the CCGC Strategic Plan. It was <br />noted that the Punch Bowl needs publicity to increase usage. <br />• Rich Bradfield pointed out that ideally the CCGC should be self-sustaining. <br />He noted that the Golf Course is part of the Louisville brand. Prioritizing <br />the plan's goals needs to be addressed. <br />