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Several of the reports were presented to the Authority at previous meetings and were reviewed by Sgt. <br />Riggins at that time. <br /> <br />Sam Light, Authority Attorney, explained how the information was separated in the packets. The police <br />department had sent all reports that had been received on Henry's since last September, there is a portion <br />of the reports in the back of the Authority's packet under general correspondence. The other information <br />may be pertinent to a potential "Show Cause" heating were placed in the front of the Authority packet. <br />There were a couple of reports where a ticket/summons was not issued or failure to appear for a specific <br />individual that information appears in the correspondence section. There are six reports listed behind the <br />actual request for Show Cause Order starting with October 1996 and ending with the report from March <br />2, 1997. <br /> <br />Also inclosed for the Authority's review is a letter from Henry's lawyer stating Henry's intention to close <br />at an earlier hour, dismissal of certain employees and other actions he plans to take to correct this <br />situation. Sam Light, Authority Attorney, felt that is the case of a Show Cause Hearing this letter should <br />be reviewed and taken into consideration at that time. <br /> <br />Jeffers moved that there be a Show Cause heating held on all six incidences, seconded by Lipton. <br /> <br />Sam Light discussed the three days which were held in abeyance from a previous stipulation issued to <br />Henry's and that the days held in abeyance would be issued at the time of the hearing if the license <br />holder was found in violation of the liquor code. <br /> <br />The Police Department feel that they are spending a great deal of manpower/time and that if the business <br />had been acting responsibly the police would not have had to get involved. When the incidences <br />occurred Henry was not on the premises. <br /> <br />Morris asked to issue a friendly amendment to have the Authority Secretary appOint SteVe Barnett as the <br />attorney to represent the City if he is available, set the Show Cause Hearing for April 28, 1997, at 7:00 <br />p.m. and to set the notice out for hearing. Jeffers and Lipton accepted the friendly amendment. Roll call <br />was taken. Motion passed 4-0 with Kimmett abstaining. <br /> <br />B. Approval of 1996 Annual Repol:t <br /> <br />Morris called for any comments or motion on the Annual Report. <br /> <br />Kimmett moved that the Authority approve the 1996 Annual Report, seconded by Lipton. All in faVor. <br /> <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT'S REPORT <br /> <br />Morris asked Sgt. Riggins if he had any information or any word on how the keg tagging program was <br />working. Sgt. Riggins felt that the word was getting out and that there had been very few alcohol <br />parties. Sgt. Riggins explained that during his evening shift when he and other officers had stopped in <br />on parties most of the kids had not been drinking but just socializing. It appeared to Sgt. Riggins that <br />the quarter keg was a thing of the past. That consumption was more the six-pack or pint here and there, <br />and you don't even always see that. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />