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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June11 2019 <br />Page 3 of 15 <br />City Manager Balser noted the LRC met on Monday and they have one suggestion to <br />remove Criteria #7 as they feel it is not necessary A project would not come to them <br />unless a PUD has been approved and would therefore be compliant with all of the City's <br />regulations, this would have already occurred and thus they felt that criteria is not <br />necessary The LRC had some suggested language more specifically for downtown <br />Balser asked for any further policy direction <br />Public Comments <br />Steve Fisher, 1860 West Centennial Dr , Chairman of the LRC, stated they struggled with <br />this but feel it makes sense to have criteria in place so everyone knows what to expect <br />and what projects qualify for this type funding He felt there should be a decision tree to <br />walk through this process This might be a way to organize the criteria He added we <br />don't want to make is so hard it is impossible to qualify <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked if members of the LRC did not want this assistance policy <br />Mr Fisher noted a couple of members were not in favor but the majority were <br />David Sinkey, 712 Main St., Boulder Creek Homes, stated he is interested in TIF tools in <br />a broad sense and the City should use these tools to shape the outcomes it wants to see <br />and that aligns with the code and the TIF criteria He appreciates trying to bring clarity to <br />the process He stated there should be a distinction this is a rebate not a subsidy The <br />point is to encourage a capital expenditure There may still be an economic gap for a <br />project and that is where the TIF tool comes into play He felt the tool is a benefit to the <br />City It should not be called subsidy or corporate welfare <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked for clarification concerning the material in the packet <br />and the changes presented by City Manager Balser Balser noted the three items she <br />spoke about were in addition to what was already in the draft of the policy <br />Councilmember Stolzmann asked for a printed copy with the changes <br />Councilmember Loo stated she would like to address the historic criteria and wanted a <br />more positive approach She noted Lincoln, Nebraska's TIF guidelines states <br />"rehabilitates a designated City landmark, a building list on or eligible for listing on the <br />national register for historic places, or a building located within a local landmark district", it <br />should be less about what not to do than development we want to encourage <br />Mayor Muckle stated we want it to be clear we don't want something to be detrimental to <br />historic preservation He liked the draft language Councilmember Maloney liked the <br />language presented by staff <br />Members took a short break to allow staff to make hard copies of the three noted changes <br />and review them Council reconvened and City Manager Balser reviewed the changes as <br />presented Section J on page 2 — three or more instead of several, Page 3 - #3 in criteria <br />— deleted, #6 is modified to read For property within downtown Louisville the project is <br />