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Bridget Bacon <br />Louisville Historical Museum <br />Department of Library & Museum Services <br />City of Louisville, Colorado <br />May 2019 <br />La <br />City0r <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 187E <br />823 Garfield Ave. History <br />Legal Description: Lots 5, 6, & 7, Block 5, Louisville Heights subdivision <br />Year of Construction: 1910 <br />Summary: The Weaver family built this house and owned the property for 37 years. The <br />other families that owned it for a long time were the Berry family, for 26 years, and the <br />current owners, who have owned it for 34 years. It is considered to be one of only a few <br />Edwardian Vernaculars in Louisville. <br />Development of the Louisville Heights Subdivision; Date of Construction <br />The Louisville Heights Addition in which this house sits was first developed in 1904 by <br />the Colorado Mortgage & Investment Co. Ltd. In 1905, the company conveyed many <br />of the lots in the Louisville Heights subdivision to Louisville residents John Affolter and <br />Dr. Charles Wolfer. John Affolter died in 1907. The administrator of John Affolter's <br />estate, who was his brother Edward Affolter, and Charles Wolfer sold the parcel where <br />823 Garfield is now located in 1908 to George Ransom. The parcel at that time consisted <br />of lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 5. <br />In 1909, Mary I. Todd Weaver purchased lots 5-8 from George Ransom. The same day, <br />she purchased lot 9 from its owners. From 1909 until 1955, the parcel consisted of these <br />five lots, whereas today, 823 Garfield consists of the three lots of 5, 6, and 7. The <br />Weaver family is credited with having had the house constructed. <br />The 1948 Boulder County Assessor card for this property gives 1913 as the year of <br />construction, with this date being repeated on the Boulder County website. The County <br />has been found to be in error with respect to the dates of construction of some historic <br />buildings in Louisville, so it is important to look at all the evidence. In this case, it should <br />be noted that the owners of the house in 1948 were not part of the Weaver family that <br />1 <br />