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RESOLUTION NO. 24 <br />SERIES 2017 <br />A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR AN <br />AMENDMENT TO THE FIRE STATION NO. 2 PUD AND SRU TO ALLOW FOR AN <br />APPROXIMATELY 1,968 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION ON THE SOUTHEAST <br />CORNER OF THE BUILDING, REMOVE EXISTING INTERIOR FURNACES AND <br />EXTERIOR GROUND MOUNTED AIR-CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR UNITS AND <br />ADD NEW, ROOFTOP PACKAGED AIR HANDLING UNITS, REPLACE A PORTION <br />OF THE EXISTING MATERIALS WITH PRE -FINISHED METAL SIDING, INSTALL <br />MINOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE BUILDING AT THE <br />LOCATION OF THE NEW ADDITION, RECONSTRUCT THE TRASH ENCLOSURE, <br />AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MODIFICATIONS.; LOT 1, FIRE STATION NO. 2 <br />SUBDIVISION. <br />WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Louisville Planning Commission an <br />application for an amendment to the Fire Station No. 2 PUD and SRU to allow for an <br />approximately 1,968 square foot addition on the southeast corner of the building, <br />remove existing interior furnaces and exterior ground mounted air-conditioning <br />compressor units and add new, rooftop packaged air handling units, replace a portion of <br />the existing materials with pre -finished metal siding, install minor landscape <br />improvements surrounding the building at the location of the new addition, reconstruct <br />the trash enclosure, and other miscellaneous modifications; Lot 1, Fire Station No. 2 <br />Subdivision; and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Staff has reviewed the information submitted and found that, <br />subject to conditions, the application complies with the Louisville zoning and subdivision <br />regulations and other applicable sections of the Louisville Municipal Code; and; <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the application at a duly <br />noticed public hearing on December 14, 2017, where evidence and testimony were <br />entered into the record, including the findings in the Louisville Planning Commission Staff <br />Report dated December 14, 2017. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of <br />Louisville, Colorado does hereby recommend approval of a request for an amendment <br />to the Fire Station No. 2 PUD and SRU to allow for an approximately 1,968 square foot <br />addition on the southeast corner of the building, remove existing interior furnaces and <br />exterior ground mounted air-conditioning compressor units and add new, rooftop <br />packaged air handling units, replace a portion of the existing materials with pre -finished <br />metal siding, install minor landscape improvements surrounding the building at the <br />location of the new addition, reconstruct the trash enclosure, and other miscellaneous <br />modifications; Lot 1, Fire Station No. 2 Subdivision. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 2017. <br />Attest: <br />Steve Brauneis, Secretary <br />Planning Commission <br />By: <br />Ann O'Connell, Vice -Chairperson <br />Planning Commission <br />