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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 27 2019 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />City Manager Balser stated staff needs direction if we are keeping the underpass in the <br />budget or not. Councilmember Loo and Councilmember Keany are supportive of not <br />doing the underpass <br />Mayor Muckle supported shelving the project until a later date when we might get better <br />news from BNSF He is reluctant to build other improvements in the area that will make <br />us not want to build the underpass later <br />City Manager Balser stated we now have some funding in the 2020 budget dedicated to <br />the underpass Staff can remove that and look at alternatives <br />Councilmember Stolzmann agreed the underpass is cost prohibitive at this time and there <br />might be better locations for this crossing She stated she would like to see more <br />pedestrian improvements at Main Street and South Boulder Road and at the Eisenhower <br />and South Boulder Road crossing <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated staff is working on the Eisenhower crossing but with all <br />of the design and approval processes it is unlikely we can start construction on it prior to <br />end the 2020 <br />Councilmember Stolzmann noted residents really want underpasses not at grade <br />crossings on South Boulder Road City Manager Balser stated funding and priorities for <br />all of these projects will be discussed with the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) in <br />October <br />Councilmember Loo stated the underpasses are so expensive particularly at South <br />Boulder Road and Main Street; it is unrealistic to think we can pay for that. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated residents want some things done sooner than later We can <br />start with good at -grade improvements and that doesn't preclude us from doing greater <br />things later We should do some things quickly to make an impact on the community now <br />Members agreed to remove that underpass from the current budget and look at <br />alternatives City Manager Balser stated the TMP prioritization discussion will impact the <br />choice for projects Staff will also continue to look at expediting projects <br />Members briefly discussed the proposed Pine Street bikeway proposal in the TMP In <br />general Council was not supportive of this Staff will remove the concept from the TMP <br />when presented to City Council for action <br />Members reviewed the projects proposed for removal from the 2020 CIP They had no <br />changes <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION <br />