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Cof c�ty <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO ® SINCE 1878 <br />Youth Advisory Board <br />Youth Advisory Board: Purpose <br />The Board consists of Louisville Residents in grades 6th-12`h. Members serve a two-year term <br />Created in the fall of 2002, the YAB serves many purposes in the community. The YAB serves as <br />a link between the youth of Louisville and City Council as well as a link between the youth, their <br />schools and the community. The Youth Advisory Board serves as a link between city council and <br />the youth of Louisville to identify issues pertaining to youth, communicate the concerns of youth, <br />and suggest possible action to be taken. The Board takes direct action by working with the City <br />Council to suggest action items for the Council agenda, activities, ordinances, amendments, and <br />lobbying for youth interests. In addition, the board identifies a focus during the year to create a <br />better community. <br />The YAB is a place to express ideas and opinions while building leadership skills and new <br />friendships. Members learn about the city they live in and how local government works. YAB are <br />asked to be the "eyes and ears" in the community and to share information from other youth <br />within the community. What are you seeing and hearing from the youth in Louisville? What are <br />youth talking about? <br />This is a youth directed board. Members set the goals for the year, run the meetings and set the <br />pace! <br />Meetings <br />Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month during the school year from 6:30-8:00. The <br />board may schedule additional meetings as needed. The 2019-2020 school year meetings will be <br />held at the Louisville Recreation & Senior Center. <br />In addition, other boards and commissions as well as city departments from the City of Louisville <br />are invited to attend the YAB meetings to talk about their board/department. This is a great <br />opportunity for YAB members to ask questions and to learn more about the city as a whole. <br />Volunteer Projects <br />A significant component of the Youth Advisory Board in Louisville is volunteerism. Over the <br />course of the year YAB members will be asked to volunteer for projects and events. Board <br />member participation is critical. Board members are asked to suggest volunteer activities the <br />Board may participate in as a whole. <br />YAB members are encouraged to keep a tally of their volunteer hours. <br />